You're Dead To Me

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Harry stood in the hallway of his old potions class with a nasty look of jealousy. Standing behind the potions professors desk was Gilderoy Lockhart. The incredibly vain man was leaning over the desk and essentially Professor Snape with a what Harry assumed to be a smirk.
'Severus darling. Go on a date with me, and I can promise we'll have a great time. You'll be with me after all.'

'Lockha-' As Severus went to dismiss him, the swine interrupted him.

'Sevy darling, co-' Harry felt himself growling quietly upon hearing the name Severus was addressed by. He was about to hex the idiotic blonde into St Mongos when Severus stood up.

'If you dare call me that again, you'll be leaving this school in a body bag Lockhart! You're torn up face will be taken a photo of and plastid on all types of media!' Severus yelled at him. Lockhart looked horrified as he held his face in protection. The man stepped back and clearly thought everything over. Then that bloody smirk crawled onto his face again.

'Sevy sweet, I love when you "threaten" me,' Lockhart chuckled as he stepped forward. Harry watched in horror as the man grabbed Severus' cloak and pulled him over the desk to plant a kiss on his lips. Both Harry's and Severus' face showed just exactly what his death was going to be.

Storming forward, Harry grabbed Lockhart's hair and yanked him away. The pathetic swine squealed as he stumbled to the floor. Lockhart looked up at him with wide eyes.
'What on earth do you think you're doing, Potter?!' The man shouted, his fear written all over his face. Harry let the man get to his feet before pulling back his clenched fist and with all his strength, let it fly forward. The sound of his feet meeting the blonde's face echoed throughout the classroom and probably the rest of the dungeon. Harry watched as the man stumbled and fell face flat onto the concrete floor.

Harry spun around and walked behind the desk. He pulled the shocked Potions Master forwards and smacked the lips together. He was going to wipe away any memory of the unconscious man from Severus' lips even if it took forever.
Slipping his tongue into the responding man, Harry massaged and explored anything his tongue touched. Harry slipped his hands lower and squeezed the man's buttocks. Severus groaned into the powerful kiss and let himself be manhandled onto his desk. Harry put himself between Severus' legs so their bodies could be pressed together.
After about a good thirty seconds, Harry pulled away. Severus' lips were bruised and wet and thoroughly snogged.
'No one touches what is mine.' Severus nodded quietly as he tried pulling himself down from heaven.
Harry stepped back from him with a smile when he heard some groaning.

'It was lovely to see you again, Mr. Snape. I'll see you at lunch.' Harry walked around the desk and approached a conscious Lockhart. The man scrambled back as Harry came closer. Harry grabbed the back of his robes and pulled him out of the class room. As he dragged the man across the floor, he slipped out of his cloak and tried to run off.
'Oh stop being a wuss, Lockhart! I'm taking you to the infirmary!' Harry quickly caught up with the slow man at a corner and spun him around to plant another punch. The man promptly fell to the floor as Harry shook his fists. He decided to look up at that moment to see a group of Slytherin kids with their jaws hanging a bit too close to the floor.
"Woops," Harry thought. Sighing, Harry put the man's cloak in his lap and grabbed the back of his shirt's collar.
'No running in the hallways kids.' The kids grinned at him. Harry winked and walked away, dragging Lockhart behind him. He could hear the giggling kids following him till he reached the infirmary. Harry pushed open the door and smiled innocently at Poppy as she turned to face him.

'Mr. Potter, what you d-' the woman then spotted Lockhart and gasped.
'Mr. Potter! What on earth happened to him?!' Poppy levitated him and placed him in a bed.

'He fell,' Harry answered. The woman glared at him, clearly wanting the whole story.
'Into my fist.' Poppy glared even harder.
'Twice.' Poppy sighed in irritation.
'And onto the concrete floor of the dungeons.' Poppy walked over to him and whacked his arm.

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