I Think

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Harry sat at the bar with his head on the counter.
'Can I have another one please?' He asked the bartender. She raised her eyebrow at him.

'As much a I like having you as a loyal customer Mr. Potter, you have had about ten of these already. And these are really strong.' She warned him.

'I can take it. I'm a big boy now.' He mumbled.

'Right. I'll believe that when you walk from one side of the room to the other.' She said, folding her arms together.

'Pfft easy.' He said getting up.

'Hold up. I'm a Slytherin, like come on. There is going to be a catch. You have to walk straight ahead. No swaying, no tripping and no falling.' She finished. Harry waved his hand at her.

'Too easy,' he said. He then started to walk straight ahead with his head held high.

'I've already got a pissed guy over there I don't need another.' She mumbled to herself. She watched as Harry started to stumble and shook her head. Though she was soon amazed as the pissed guy she was talking about caught Harry as he went flying towards the floor. She knew exactly how their night would end. This would have to be the fourth... hundredth time it has happened with the two.

'Thank you,' Harry said as he stood up. Though when he looked up, he gulped.

'Hello, Lord Potter. It is a surprise to see you here,' the man chuckled.

'I could say the same about you, Sir Malfoy,' Harry hiccupped.

'Would you like to dance?' Lucius Malfoy asked.

'I would love to,' Harry smiled. Lucius took his hand and held his waist. Harry wrapped his arms around Lucius' neck and swayed along to the... rock music.
'Don't you love slow music?' Harry grinned up at him.

'Yep. Totally sets a mood.' Lucius answered whilst raising his eyebrow suggestively.

'Sir Malfoy, if I had to know better I would have to say you might be flirting with me.' Harry giggled.

'And if I am? Would you mind?' Lucius asked as leaned closer to Harry.

'I wouldn't mind at all sexxy man,' Harry said and slammed his lips onto Lucius'. Both moaned in pleasure of it. Lucius took his hand and yanked Harry to the toilets. He pulled him into a cubicle and pushed him against the door. He attacked his mouth hungrily. His hands reached for Harry's shirt and started to unbutton it. His mouth moved to Harry's neck and he sucked on his sweet spot, knowing exactly where it was. Harry groaned and rubbed himself against Lucius, whom moaned in return and turned Harry around. He pulled down Harry's trousers and boxers a bit and smacked his arse. Harry groaned and leaned into his hand.

'I'm in control here.' Lucius growled and nibbled Harry's ear lobe. Harry let out a long moan and Lucius hushed him. 'We'll get caught baby boy. We'll have to stop then. Do you want this -he slapped Harry's arse again- to stop?' Harry shook his head.

'Use your words,' he growled.

'No Sir M-' Harry couldn't finish before he got another slap. Harry bit his lip to hide his moan and fixed his sentence.
'No daddy.'

'That's better. Now I have better things at home. Do you want to come home with me baby boy?' Lucius whispered into his ear.

'Yes daddy,' Harry whispered back. Lucius took his hand and apperated. Harry gasped at the movement but was soon pushed into another wall.

'Lap... or air.' Lucius growled quietly.

'A-Air,' Harry chocked out as another hand smacked his arse. Lucius smirked and spun Harry around to kiss him.

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