Vote Closed

663 4 72

Vote closed

Yes I know it's one month and 26 days early but I think it best to get it out now because one, I'm bored. And two, they'll be more votes to count. I'll give it till the beginning of December.

#Vote in the comment section next to the ships, please!#
If the comment thing doesn't show up when you tap once over one of the names, try holding down on the namd and that should work. Otherwise if you comment on the whole thing, it makes it a bit more awkward to count the votes.

Vote closed














(What the ship name for them?)



-Or others? (You guys knows what I don't do so please don't ask I'll feel bad.)

You guys choose who the ship spend family with!

Ship with most votes will be in the Christmas Special! Ob-viously.

Hope you have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night.

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