I Got A Date

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(I know, I know! Rarry! I thought it was about time I done the ship plus I got an idea for it. For those who don't know and can't figure it out. Rarry=Ron×Harry. I hope it is okay, haven't properly done this ship yet so... enjoy.)

Harry watched Ron dance with McGonagall with a grin on his face. The ginger was so embarrassed and his red cheeks were so adorable. Harry couldn't be more happier at seeing his best mate embarrassed like this. Though there was some part of him that was rather surprised and slightly envious. Ronald was a natural at dancing. Harry, though he liked to say he was okay at dancing, knew deep down that he sucked. Harry's grin was then pulled away when he realised he would be humiliated at the ball when he tripped over and landed on his ass. That would be beyond embarrassing. Harry looked at Ron and couldn't find it in him to laugh anymore. He could only imagine how embarrassed Ron was feeling from having to dance with McGonagall in front of everyone.
'Harry, why'd you stop laughing? Is your scar hurting again?' Harry looked to his right to see Neville looking at him with concern.

'No, no, I'm fine Nev. This just isn't funny. I can't begin to imagine how embarrassed Ron would be right now,' Harry replied. Neville then smiled at him and patted his back.

'You're the kindest dude I've ever met,' Neville chuckled.

'Thanks...?' Harry mumbled. He turned his head back to his best mate to see him walking over with his face bright red.
'You okay, Ron?' The ginger turned to him when he had sat and smiled.

'Yeah. Thank you for not laughing,' Ron said.

'I was to begin with,' Harry answered, feeling ashamed of himself.

'But you stopped so it's chill mate,' Ron replied. Harry grinned at him.


Ron wrapped his arms around Harry as soon as the teen shot up from his bed drenched in sweat.
'It's okay.'

'Ron?' Harry questioned quietly.

'Yeah,' the teen replied and his hand on Harry's cheek. The raven sighed in relief and leant into his rough hand. Harry then put his head on the ginger's bare chest and closed his eyes.
'It's okay, Harry. It was just a nightmare.'

'You died...' Harry whispered. Ron went still for a moment.

'Hey, I'm not going anywhere,' Ron said.
'I'm staying right here. I'm never leaving your side. You're my best mate, Harry.' Harry hummed and snuggled into Ron more.

'Thank you. You're my best mate too and I love you,' Harry said. Ron stayed quiet for a moment and thought about those words.

'I love you too, mate,' Ron whispered. Ron's heart clenched so he closed his eyes.

'Stay with me tonight... please?' Harry questioned. Ron answered by pulling Harry back and laying down. He pulled the quilt back and Harry rested his head on Ron's chest. Ron pulled the quilt up and tucked himself and Harry in. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes.
Ron felt Harry fall asleep so he opened his eyes and looked down at the raven.
'You look so beautiful when you're at peace, Harry. I love you more then you realise.'

'I knew it.' Ron jumped at the sudden voice and pulled back the left curtain a bit to see Neville, Dean and Seamus all sitting in the same bed looking in their direction.

'Go to sleep you dorks,' Ron chuckled, flipping them off and closing the curtain.


'Why the long face, Harry? Not found a date yet?' Ron questioned as he sat down on the couch next to the raven. They were currently in the common room all by themselves. Everyone else had gone to Hogsmeed but Harry had stayed behind. Ron had noticed his best mate missing so he had said goodbye to Hermione and Neville and ran back.

'No I haven't but that's not the reason for the long face...' Harry answered. Ron scanned his eyes over his best mate, trying to figure out what was wrong. He sat up straight and turned to Harry.

'What's wrong?' Ron asked.

'I'm worried about the Ball,' Harry mumbled.

'What about it? Is it about the clothes? Because yours are great mate. Mine on the other hand... ugh,' Ron said.

'It's not the clothes and yours are fine, Ron,' Harry replied. Ron stayed silent so Harry could tell him.
'I... I can't dance at all. I've never been taught. I'm going to fall on my ass in front of everyone and-'

'Harry, calm down,' Ron chuckled. The raven stopped talking and looked up at Ron. The ginger stood from his seat and walked over to the record player in their common room.
'I'll teach you,' Ron said as the music started. He walked back over to Harry and bowed, holding his hand whilst he smirked.
'May I have this dance?' Harry chuckled and took the hand. Harry squeaked and laughed when Ron basically yanked him up and into his arms.

'Ron?!' Harry gasped when he had put his arm around hid waist.

'Harry!' Ron mimicked.

'Aren't I supposed to be leading? I will be when I have a date won't I? Males traditionally lead don't they?' Harry questioned nervously as Ron began to dance.

'We aren't exactly traditional men, Harry,' Ron chuckled.

'What is that supposed to mean?' Harry asked.

'Don't worry about it, just shut up and dance with me,' Ronald replied. Harry huffed and put his hands where he was supposed to out them. He looked down and watched his feet.
'Head up, Harry.'


'Don't you trust me?' Ron questioned. Harry looked up at him in surprise.

'What kind of question is that? Of course I trust you,' Harry answered.
'I just don't trust my self to not step on your feet.'

'My feet will be fine. And I trust you so relax,' Ron replied. Harry sighed and stayed looking up at Ron.
Ronald smiled down at him and held the teen closer.

'How did you learn to dance so well?' Harry asked.

'My mum had a faze of signing us up for classes. Fred and George got to got to Quidditch classes because they were old enough. Ginny went to a karate classes. Percy went to Business classes. And Bill, Charlie, and me went to dance classes. I didn't exactly wamt to do karate or business so I was left with dance. Which Bill and Charlie asked for. Mum couldn't afford another class so I had to pick out of the three I could go to,' Ron explained.

'Well they clearly went well,' Harry chuckled. Ron grinned and took his hand, Harry rolled his eyes and spun out of the ginger's arms before spinning back and resting his back against Ron's front. Ron placed took Harry's right hand and rested his and Harry's hand on the raven teen's stomach. He took Harry's other hand and extended it out. Harry turned his head to the left and looked back at him.
Ron stayed looking into Harry's eyes as they danced and sighed in happiness.
'I wish I could stay in your arms forever, Ron...' Harry said suddenly. Ron raised his eyebrow whilst Harry merely paled and stopped dancing, looking forward so he wasn't looking at Ron.
Ron shook his head and gently spun Harry around. He placed his hand on the ravens hip, keeping their connected hands extended out and continued their dance.

'Me too, Harry,' Ron whispered. Harry looked shocked for a moment and what Ron would give to know what was going through the ravens head was mind blowing. Harry then smiled and rested his head on Ron's shoulder.
'Be my date to the Yule Ball, Harry?'

'Of course,' Harry replied.

'Hey, Harry,'


'I got a date for the Yule Ball.' Ron grinned when Harry laughed.

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