I missed your voice

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Now I've gone through this once... so I hope it hasn't got many mistakes. But if you see one, I'd love if you could comment it.
Draco and Severus may be a tiny but out of character but we don't know what they're like when they're being nice now do we?


#St Mungo's#

A topless Harry was eating his rationed dinner as he glanced around at his trainees. He had been an Auror trainer for ten years now. He didn't want to fight as much after the war. So, to make everyone happy, he chose this job. If there was absolutely no one else to fight, he'd step in. But his job was to train future Aurors. And apparently, he was very good at it. He had been told that since he'd started training them all, Aurors have gotten better. It's a good thing too, Death Eaters were still about. Some of them have tried to become new dark lords, but they've been stopped before they could even start.

The war ended eleven years ago. Harry had taken a year off to... breath. Well, that's how he put it. His therapist had said, if he didn't relax, sort himself out or stop trying to save the world, he'd... crack. So, much to his annoyance, he was sent away to a tropical island. A, deserted, tropical island -which he had bought and used for training and living.-
However, Harry couldn't complain about it when he got there. He was now even more tanned then he already was. Much more fi- no, he was now very fit. Muscles all in the right places. There was one downside/upside though. The fit body gave him a very hot masculine look. Everyone jumped to conclusions... and people assumed he was a top... and that he was into... girls *que the shudder*. So, naturally, he was still very much a single fucking pringle. And, the only guys that even looked his way and tried flirting... were bottoms. Now, this would be okay if Harry wasn't a bottom himself.

Now, the upside to his new body and everyones assumptions... was that when he walked into a Wizarding World gay bar for the first time, mostly everyones jaws were touching the floor. Though, they all eventually assumed he had walked into the wrong bar. Harry had let people decide for themselves for about... six years. But, when he was training and a female tried seducing him, he was very happy to give Rita Skeeter the interview of a life time. Everyone had been dying to know about the type of woman he liked, Rita told him. Harry had hoped this question would come up and it did.
Rita asked for him to describe his type of woman. So, naturally, he started to describe his type.

'So, Harry! Everyone is dying to know! What is your type of woman?' Rita asked excitedly.

'I'm not sure how to answer that?' Harry chuckled nervously.

'Describe what your type of woman is for us?' Rita pushed.

'Very well,' Harry smirked. Rita grinned widely. Harry could clearly hear squealing from behind the back drop, causing him to role his eyes. 'I like them tall,' -squeal- 'Skinny but not too skinny. But size really doesn't matter really nor do the looks but this is what I'm currently imagining,' -squeal- 'Pale-ish,' -squeal- 'shoulder length hair,' -squeal- 'coloured in a particular type of black,' -sob, squeal- 'black eyes,' Harry smiled at the image that passed his mind. -huge fucking sobs.-

'Well, Harry... is there anything else you care to share about your type? Personality?' Rita questioned.

'Oh there definitely is,' Harry laughed.

'Care to share, Harry?' Rita grinned again.

'My type would be smart... well mannered,' Harry paused before saying, 'a smart arse,' with a chuckle. 'As surprising as it may seem... I like the Slytherin personality. But, I wouldn't like if they were, snobby, spoilt gits... stereotypical pureblood behaviour, you get what I mean.' Rita chuckled at that. 'My type would have to be someone who is... better at taking charge then me,' Harry smirked at Rita's confused face. 'There's one more thing with describing what they'd look like. Well, what they have to have on them.'

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