Halloween Special Vote closed

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#Vote closed#


Clearly I'm doing another Halloween special. Of course I know some don't celebrate the holiday but I must stress that I am not making you read this. I'm not making anyone read any of the stuff I write. I respect your choices and I won't be upset if you don't read. Just please... no hate comments. Criticism I will accept. But hate comments... "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off."
By shake it off I mean I will try my best to defend myself but if I an truly in the wrong... I'll just say nothing...

Like the Christmas special I want you guys to decide the ship and/or the family they spend trickle treating with... or not. I guess they can just stay in doors and pig out on sweets...

Also, comment on this paragraph please on what you want it to be. As in fluff🥺, smut😏, depressing😞, sad🙁, angst😠, so on...

#Vote in the comment section next to the ships, please!#













-Or others? (You guys knows what I don't do so please don't ask I'll feel bad.)

You guys choose who the ship spend family with here!

Ship with most votes will be in the Halloween Special! (Also what is the wizarding worlds version of Halloween? I tried to find out through google but when it comes to this stuff... google hates me...)

For people in the UK, you have till tomorrow midnight to vote!
Washington, DC, USA- you have till around tomorrow 19:00 to vote!
I'm terrible with time differences so if your not from the two places right above, could you mention what time it would be? I ask kindly.

Hope you have great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night.

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