Intimacy Game

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If you watch Big Bang Theory, you'll recognize the game that's in this. I give all credit to the creators of the series for the game and questions (not the last two) but I got an idea and I'm always sharing the ideas with you guys, no matter how crazy they are, so here you go.

Also, this hasn't got smut, just kissing and fluff.



'Guys, do you think this is a good idea?' Ron questioned.

'Of course it is baby, they need to get together already,' Blaise replied, wrapping an arm around Ron's shoulders, the ginger shrugging the arm off. Blaise sighed and leant back on his elbows.

'What's the plan again?' Ginny questioned.

'We talk about the game, and Ron dares them to do it. They're obviously going to say no, so Ron says that they're wimps,' Hermione explained.

'They're both proud men so it should work,' Pansy smirked.

'This is so exciting,' Luna chuckled in her usual dreamy voice.

'What you guys whispering about?' Harry questioned as he sat down on a bean bag.

'And why did you want to meet up in here?' Draco questioned, looking around the room they were in. The room was the RoR. It had been changed to look like a common room but instead of couches in front of the fireplace it was a bunch of bean bags and cushions on the floor with some blankets for them all.

'Because it's hidden, we won't be interrupted, no one can hear us, visa versa. Another war could be going on outside the door and we wouldn't even notice,' Pansy answered.

'Well that definitely gives me comfort,' Harry drawled sarcastically.

'You don't need to be the hero anymore Harry. If there's another war, let someone else fight it,' Luna said.

'Yeah, Harry, relax for once,' Ginny chuckled.

'I'll do that after Hogwarts,' Harry replied.

'Anyway, back to Potter's question when we arrived, what were you talking about?' Draco asked.

'Oh, Luna mentioned a game some muggles came up with,' Blaise answered.

'Yeah, uh, the participants ask each other a series of questions designed to promote intimacy. And then they finish it off by staring into each other’s eyes for four minutes. Apparently the participants fall in love with each other,' Pansy explained.

'That's complete and utter bullocks,' Harry laughed.

'I hate to admit it but Potter is right,' Draco scoffed.

'-dramatic gasp- Me, right? Are you feeling okay, Malfoy?' Harry questioned, resting the back of his hand against Draco's forehead.

'Shut up,' Malfoy chuckled, wacking Harry's hand away.

'Make me,' Harry whispered.

'Don't tempt me,' Draco whispered back.

'I'm not stopping you,' Harry purred.

'You'd be too afraid of what I'd d- what are you lot grinning at?' Draco stopped himself mid sentence as he spotted all his friends starring with large grins on their faces.

'Nothing,' Ginny giggled.

'I dare you two to do it,' Ron said, smirking widely.

'No way!' Harry and Draco shouted.

'Right, you're both too wimpy to do it,' Ron sighed.

'Am not!' They both growled.

'I'd do it any place, any time,' Draco huffed.

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