Help me

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Harry picked up his little baby girl from her playpen and chucked her in the air slightly and caught her before spinning around making airplane noises.
'Ahh we're gonna crash!' Harry cried out and stumbled back into the large armchair in her nursery. The little baby laughed and clapped away.
Harry dramatically threw his head back and stuck his tongue out as he closed his eyes. He made the usual noises one would make when faking their death and went still.

'Papa! Papa!' The little baby girl squealed through her laughter.
Harry's eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open. He looked to his baby in shock and amazement.

'Did you- did you just speak? *gasp* oh my god you just spoke and said papa first!' Harry mumbled, his voice rising slightly as realisation hit him.
'You said your first word, Lily! Oh my lord we have to tell Mama!' Harry quickly stood up and rested her on his hip. He rushed out of her nursery and down the corridor to go through the door of his partners office.
'Draco!' Harry laughed loudly. The blonde looked towards him and glared.

'I'm in a meeting honey,' Draco muttered. Harry smiled at the person in front of Draco's desk.

'This is more important love,' Harry replied.
'No offence...' Harry mumbled to the person.
'I guess you're home going down in flames is pretty important too...' Harry looked to an amused Draco and grinned.
'Watch.' Harry brang Lily in front of him and chucked her in the air before catching her and spinning around making airplane noises. He stumbled back into the door and played his death scene.
Lily squealed and put her hands together.

'Papa! Papa!' Harry's eyes opened wide and he grinned. He looked to Draco and the man's jaw was on his desk with the quill and documents he had just dropped. Draco quickly stood as his face grew into a grin and he rushed over. He took Lily and kissed her forehead and cheeks.

'Say mama,' Draco said.
'Say mama. Ma- ma- mama.' Harry chuckled and watched Lily.

'Ma- mmm- papa!' Lily shouted. Draco pouted and glared at Harry.

'It doesn't matter whose name she said first. Though she did say mine and I'd like that down in writing, like on a certificate or something. But that's beside the point -though the certificate has to be bold arse writing so no one can mistake what it says- but like I said beside the point. The point is that she said her first word which was papa, by the way. I'll be needing that certificate asap. Person he has a meeting with, could you conjure up a certificate. Just as a draft of course,' Harry said.

'If they want money for the rebuild of his family home, they'll be smart and keep their hands, wand and mind, still, silent and non-existent,' Draco drawled.

'She said her first word love!' Harry laughed. Draco grinned and placed kisses all over his daughters face. Draco expected the hug Harry gave and let the happy tear fall down his cheek.
He pulled his head back and kissed Harry on the lips.

'I love you,' Draco chuckled.

'I love you too,' Harry replied.
'Now, have fun with your meeting, I need to feed her before she gets hangry.' Draco laughed and let Harry take Lily. Harry pecked Draco's lips before leaving the room.


Harry tiptoed out of Lily's room two days later and went into the room next to it. He closed the door as quietly as he could and sighed in relief.
He yawned out his exhaustion and turned to his bed.
He frowned when he saw Draco sitting on the edge with a couple trunks. Harry realised they were his and got incredibly confused. Draco looked guilty. He had been all day. Well, since he got back from work yesterday.
'Draco... what's going on?'

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