Halloween Special|2021

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HAPPY HALLOWS DAY EVERYONE! I hope everyone who celebrate have fun drowning themself with sweets and those who don't celebrate to have a fun day sleeping in.

I'm going to be dressing up as a Modern Vampire! What are you guys dressing up as or aren't you?
You're never too old to dress up and go trickle treating and I will stand by that. Free sweets!
Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this Halloween Special, I had so much fun writing it!

I apologise but I just couldn't write a smutty scene. I mind has gone blank for that.
There is a little scene where things get heated but not much happens.
Also, this hasn't been checked over for grammar and spelling mistakes but that is so because it's scary and sets your teeth on edge and not because this is running late to be published.



Harry sat up quickly with a pained gasp. He put his hand against his throat. He took deep gulps of air and calmed his racing heart. He finally opened his eyes and blinked at the blinding light.
"Am I dead?" Harry thought to himself. His eyes adapted to lights surrounding him and Harry could finally see. He was in a muggle hospital room.
'No...' Harry whispered, though his voice was rough.
'No, no, no!' Harry sobbed, resting his head onto his hands. The door to his hospital room opened and in came a nurse. They walked over and placed a hand on his back which made him flinch but he didn't pull away.

'Mr. Potter, calm down,' the nurse said.

'I'm supposed to be dead! Why?! Why did you- why?!' Harry cried out, not listening to the nurse as they repeated his name. Though the thought that they knew what his name was did pass his mind.

'Harry, calm down and then we can speak,' the nurse demanded gently. Harry continued to sob for a couple of seconds but eventually calmed himself down.

'Why?' Harry asked quietly, his tone of voice showing how broken he was.

'Because you don't get to decide when you die. Especially when you don't deserve it,' the nurse chided.

'What?' Harry questioned like they were mad.
'Of course I deserved it.' The nurse glared at him but Harry stared right back, not fussed about the glare he was receiving. He was pretty used to being glared at.
'What day is it?' Harry asked. The nurse's glare vanished and they smiled sadly.

'31st of October,' the nurse answered. Harry looked down at the sheets.

'Oh...' Harry mumbled.
'So I've been out for a week? Does... anyone know I am here?'

'Well- from what I have been told, yes,' the nurse replied sadly.
'Your... friends know you're here and the person who found you and brang you here.'

'Have they come to visit me?' Harry asked, still looking down at the sheets.
'And who found me?' Harry felt slightly bad for the person to have found him. He couldn't imagine the shock and pity they went through. However he wondered if the person who found him was a muggle. Was it his aunt or cousin? But surely they'd ask one of his friends to take him to St. Mungo's.

'Umm, the person who found you has been all the time, hasn't left the hospital. In fact they're in the café now. They should be back shortly. They will be delighted to see you awake- well I guess they will be, you can't really tell. Your godfathers and three of your friends; the twins and their husband, visit daily, they'll be here in about two hours. But- your other friends-'

'They kept saying they were busy didn't they?' Harry questioned, glancing up briefly before looking back down.

'Yeah...' the nurse sighed.

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