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(Harry is twenty! It's a redo year! The ship isn't illegal!!!!!!!)


Harry checked to see if everyone was asleep before checking his map. Everyone was where they should be. He was about to close the map when he saw someone out of bed. They were allowed to but where they were worried the hell out of him. He got out of bed and grabbed his cloak. He chucked it over himself and left the room. He ran out the passageway and up the moving stairs, down a corridor and up a spiral staircase that led to the astronomy tower. He climbed and climbed the apparently vast staircase as fast as he could.

He was so worried. What if he did not make it on time? What if it was not what he thought? What would he say if he was not late and was right about what he thought?

His thoughts came to an end when he reached the top. He walked out to the middle to see his Professor standing on the edge crying. Confirming his previous thoughts.

'Professor?' Harry called slowly. The Professor let out a sob.

'Five points from Gryffindore for being out of bed when he should not be.' His Professor cried without turning around.

'I do not care Professor. Please can you get down from there.' Harry ordered.

'No! I deserve this Potter. You know I do. I should not have joined with that foolish man. I do not care if he is gone. Everyone hates me. I hate my life. WHY CAN YOU NOT LET ME DIE IN PEACE?!' The Professor shouted.

'Please Professor Snape. You do not deserve this. No one does. And not everyone hates you. And I could not let you die in peace, what kind of annoying brat would I be then? And I could not let you die anyway.' Harry said moving closer.

'Why though? You hate me. I treated you like rubbish. I still do. And the war is over for Merlin's sake. You will be leaving at the end of the month. You do not have to care whether I die or not. I deserve it Potter.' Snape said inching forward.

'STOP. Just stop moving forward. You DO NOT deserve this. I DO NOT hate you. And it does not matter whether I leave next month. You cannot die. Not yet. I do care whether you die or not. So please step down from there.' He said standing beside him but on the floor.

'No. I am sorry. And why do you care? Why do you not hate me?' Snape said looking down at him.

'Because...' Harry stumbled over his words.

'Because what Potter? What? Why would you not hate someone like me? Why would you care about someone like me?' Snape pushed.

'You really want to know?' Harry asked sternly. Snape nodded. 'Because who could hate you? Your a good looking man. Good job. A bit strict yes. But who does not love strict sometimes. I certainly love it. It gets things done at least and it is lovely with other things...' Harry chuckled the last past. 'You do not let people walk all over you. I could go on and on. But the point is, Professor, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU OK. I cannot lose you. That is why I care. That is why I cannot let you die. That is why I do not hate you. I love you Severus Snape.' Severus was stunned. He did not think a time would ever come when someone would feel like that for him. But here he was. On the edge of a tallest tower of Hogwarts. With the man of his dreams confessing to him. So what he says next he had no clue why it came out of his mouth.

'I do not care. I do not deserve you. I do not deserve to live.' He said inching closer again. Now his toes were just hanging over.

'Fine.' Harry said and stood up on the edge.

'What are you doing?!' Snape panicked.

'You go, I go.' He said holding Severus' hand. 'You know I have been tired of my life too. I have hated every second of my life after my parents died. All the weight I had on me. I must kill Voldemort. I must not be friends with anyone in Slytherin. The Gryffindores golden boy. Wizarding worlds saviour. The-boy-who-lived... twice. I have to stay with the Dursleys. I have to live. The reason I stayed... was because of you. So, if your going I'm going.' He hung one foot over the edge.

'NO! GET DOWN HARRY!' Severus yelled.

'Are you going to get down?' Harry asked, putting his foot back down.

'No.' He said looking away.

'Then neither am I.' He said looking over the edge. 'Long drop. There is no way of coming back from this.' Harry sighed smiling. He put one foot over the edge again ready to jump down.
'3....2....1.' Harry went to jump but Severus grabbed him and jumped backwards falling onto the tower floor.

'No. Please no. You cannot die.' Severus cried looking down at Harry.

'Are you going to get back up there?' Harry asked looking back at him.

'No.' He sobbed.

'Good. I never realised how afraid of heights I am.' He sighed with relief. He looked into Severus' eyes. 'I was not lying you know. I was not just saying it because you were trying to kill yourself. I really do love you.'

'I love you as well Harry.' Severus admitted. Harry smiled and kissed him.


Hope you enjoyed😁.

Sincerely Izzy.

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