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'He's up to something.' Harry said suddenly. Hermione, Ron and Harry sat in the common room alone. They had decided not to go Hogsmeade this weekend and stayed in the common room for studying. Harry had just finished his Potions essay and had randomly blurted that out in the middle of the nice piece and quiet.

'Who?' Ron asked confused. Hermione rolled her eyes as it was obvious who Harry was on about and she had had enough of it already.

'Malfoy. But I'm only guessing.' Hermione answered. Ron groaned as he too had had enough of it.

'What? He hasn't been with it ever since we came back from the summer holidays. Oh and he hasn't been bugging us. He is up to something and my plan is that I'm going to find out what it is,' Harry said sternly. Hermione slammed her book shut.

'Harry! For Merlin's sake! I am sick and tired of this obsession you have for him, whether you deny it or not you have one! And, for once, when Malfoy isn't bugging us, you think he is up to something! Why can't you leave it alone?! Did you ever stop to think he may have matured before you did?! I'm tired Harry. He is all you talk about! It has gotten to the point where I think you're in love with him and you continue to deny it and carry out whatever love you have for him through this obsession!' She fumed, now standing up.
'I better start hearing less about Malfoy in the next twenty four hours otherwise I'm taking my own way out,' she said before storming out of the tower. Harry turned to Ron for help.

'Sorry but she is right mate. I'm getting tired of it too,' Ron apologised before following after her. Harry scoffed and fell back in his seat.

'I'm not in love with him,' Harry mumbled to himself.
'I'm not even into guys...' Harry hesitated on his words.
'Oh for Merlin's sake. I may be into guys but I'm not into him. There is no way on earth that I could possibly love... oh for Merlin's sake!' Harry shouted, getting frustrated with himself. He had no clue who he loved or hated anymore. This war business was messing him up.
He stood up, putting his work in his bag and chucking said bag into his dorm room. He then walked out of the tower and made his way down to the Great Hall. It was time for dinner and he was starving.

He got there and spotted Ron and Hermione in the little crowd of Gryffindor's that stayed behind and the first and second years. He made his way over and the two moved over for him to sit down.
'Cheers...' he started.
'And I'm sorry,' He finished. Hermione nodded and ate her food. Ron rolled his eyes and scoffed down his food, to which Hermione and Harry looked away from. Yes they loved Ron to bits, but his eating habits weren't one of his best flaws.

Half way through their lunch, a certain blonde had entered the hall by himself, looking rather exhausted as well. Harry's eyes followed said blonde.
Ron saw this and covered his ears for what was to come.
'Why was he alone? I bet you he was up to something,' Harry said without realizing what he had done. When he did however, his hand went straight to his mouth. He finally admitted it -in his head- that he had an unhealthy obsession.
Hermione heard this and her skin started to boil. Both young men watch the young women explode in slow motion.
'THAT IS IT! THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW HARRY!' She yelled before walking out the hall. Everyone watching as she stormed off. Ron looked back at Harry with a pleading look. Harry chuckled and let Ron go. Ron sent an apologetic look but rushed off after her.

'What did you do Harry?' Said a young boy's voice beside him. Harry turned his head to see Colin.

'Something I shouldn't have.' Harry sighed, he knew Hermione meant what she said earlier.

So Harry went to bed that night, quite literally, scared of what Hermione was planning. When Ron had come in he had looked at Harry smirking. Harry didn't ask and tried going to sleep. Which wasn't very successful.
He knew Ron knew what was going to happen.
'Please tell me Ron,' Harry begged. Harry heard an evil chuckle and groaned. He knew Ron wouldn't tell him.

One shots- Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now