Christmas Special

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🎄🎉Merry Christmas everyone.🎉🎄
🎄🎉And I wish you all the best🎉🎄
🎄🎉of luck for the new year.🎉🎄

This will be short and sweet but I feel like if I continued with it, I'd run out of ideas and ruin it. Though I still think I could have done better with it to be honest.
I'm publishing this half an hour early for the UK but oh well. I need to sleep😂.
I hope you enjoy.

Harry thanked a barista for his coffee and wished them a Merry Christmas Eve before he walked away from their stand. Glancing up at a dark tall building, he huffed to himself.
'One more day and you'll be leaving for your holiday...' And so with a little bit more courage he entered the dark tall building.
'Hi Harry, back from lunch early aren't you?' Harry turned to the receptionist with a self pitying smile.
'Yeah I know, just wanted to get my paperwork all finished so I can leave on time. I have a house to finish decorating and packing to finish so I can leave for my holiday,' Harry explained.
'Not one part of the outside of your house is showing Harry, I think you're good on decorations,' the receptionist replied.
'You can never have too many decorations, Ella,' Harry said in a sirius tone before walking away.
'You're house is the definition of too many!' The receptionist, Ella, called out to him. Harry stuck his tongue out at her as he got into a lift. Pressing the button for the top floor, Harry leant against the lift wall and held the coffee closer to him as if it was going to warm him up. Bringing his courage back again, Harry stepped out of the lift with confidence.
'Hey, Harry!' A few people greeted him.
'Hey,' Harry replied, as he walked over to his office. Just as he reached his office he turned left and went into another.
He smiled at a man who sat behind a large desk and piles of paperwork; which Harry leaned over to place the coffee in front of him.
'How's everything going boss? And where did all this paperwork come from?'
'Terribly, Harry,' the man muttered.
'And this paperwork is for us both to go through. The Lestranges have given up on the project and are moving onto something new, by themselves.' Harry sat in the chair opposite his boss.
'But they were the ones to suggest working on the project together. This isn't a one company job. We needed their help. How could they do this?' Harry questioned, mostly to himself. His boss understood that so he merely rolled his eyes.
'We have to pull through and do it by ourselves now I'm afraid. We'll have to go through the paperwork this week to be able to get on track,' his boss explained.
Harry felt like a bucket of ice had just been dropped on top of him.
'The whole week, Tom? Can't we just power through today?' Harry questioned.
'There's more boxes of paperwork to go through in the storage room, Harry. Apparently the Lestranges had been neglecting this project for a while,' his boss, Tom, answered. Harry rubbed his face in annoyance.
'I am sorry, Harry. I know you've been planning this trip for a while. And you've literally never taken a sick day off without being forced to. You are my most loyal and hardworking employee. But you were basically in charge of this project whilst I dealt with my own company. I have to admit, you know more than me. I can't do this without you.'
Hearing that much praise not only made Harry blush but also made him give in. Especially after seeing how guilty his boss looked.
'Alright...' Harry replied.
'Thank you for thinking so highly of me. I don't think I've ever heard you compliment me so much before.' Tom looked back at the paperwork, trying his best to mask his emotions.
'Yes well... don't get used to it. Now I've put some paperwork on your desk, get on with it,' Tom mumbled. Harry rolled his eyes with an amused smile. This was how he usually acted. Everyone else kind of disliked him for it but Harry found it amusing and somewhat cute.
'Alrighty boss,' Harry said and got up from the chair.
'Enjoy your coffee.' So Harry went to his office and finished the paperwork for the actual company he worked for. Once that was finished, he got started with the projects paperwork.
It wasn't till it was sun rise the next day and everyone but Tom and himself had gone home that he stopped. He looked at the time and sighed. He gotten everything on his desk done and an extra box from the storage room. Harry got up from his desk and stretched. Grabbing his things he left his office. He called out to Tom's office that he was heading home and went over to the lift. Pressing the button he thought about dinner. He couldn't be asked to cook it himself and he also didn't want to eat alone. It was Christmas Eve for goodness sake. The lift doors opened and Harry went to step in. However he stopped himself and turned around. Walking over to Tom's office, he knocked on the door before going in.
'Hey, I don't suppose you want to get dinner?' Harry questioned.
'I don't eat dinner this late. It might as well be breakfast,' Tom replied, not looking up from his desk. Harry scoffed silently to himself.
'Do you want to grab breakfast then?' Harry questioned. Tom finally looked up and considered it.
'We still have a lot to go through,' Tom mumbled.
'That we can take care of tomorrow and the rest of the week. Come on, you deserve some food and rest,' Harry chuckled. Tom sighed and leant back in his seat.
'Fine,' Tom caved. Harry clapped his hands in victory. Tom rolled his eyes, a small smile showing on his lips and grabbed his things.
'So where shall we go?' Harry questioned.
'You don't even know where you want to go? Did you even think this through?' Tom asked as they headed towards the lift.
'Not really,' Harry confessed.
'How about we go to good old McDonalds? They should be doing breakfast now as well.'
'Sure,' Tom scoffed. Harry pressed the button on the lift and stepped back next to Tom.
About half an hour later they sat down at a table to eat their burgers.
'So, what are you doing for Christmas? Any girlfriend or boyfriend or partner you'll be spending it with?' Harry asked. Tom put his burger down and leant back in his seat.
'No. I usually don't do Christmas. If you didn't decorate my office each year it would have been decorated. It's just not as fun as it used to be. Especially by myself,' Tom answered. Harry's eyes went wide with glee. Tom saw this and frowned even more than he already was.
'Is my life funny to you, Mr. Potter?'
'Oh shoot no! I was just thinking about how I too would be alone,' Harry explained. Tom gave him a look of confusion. Harry face palmed himself and chuckled at his own stupidity.
'I mean, you should spend it with me. Better yet, we should go on the holiday together!'
'Harry, I think you're forgetting about the paper work we have to do this week,' Tom sighed.
'We can have that shipped over! Oh come please? It'll be so much fun!' Tom eyed him cautiously before looking away to consider it all.
'I suppose a change over scenery could help us get it done faster...' Tom muttered.
'Exactly. And if we can power through for two or three days with lots of coffee, we should be able to finish it all early and have some fun,' Harry assured. Tom stared at him before huffing.
'Are you sure you want to spend Christmas with your boss?' Tom asked rather shyly.
'I'm certain,' Harry answered without hesitation, placing his hand over Tom's.
'And technically I am tight now. Though I suppose where we are going, it is still Christmas Eve.'
'Fine,' Tom mumbled, glancing somewhat happily at their hands.
'Great! Pocket that burger cause we got to go to your place and pack then go to mine before heading to the airport,' Harry said, standing and pocketing his own burger. Tom rolled his eyes and copied him.
Several hours later, the two walked into a small cottage.
'Now this is a one bed cottage so-'
'I'll take the sofa,' Tom interrupted. Harry shook his head.
'Nope,' he replied. Tom went to speak.
'No.' Harry interrupted with a smile.
'Do you want me to be riddled with guilt on Christmas?'
'Do you want me to be riddled with guilt on Christmas?' Tom parroted. Harry crossed his arms and stared at him.
'Fine! ...How about we share?' Harry undressed his arms and tried his best not to blush.
'Um... I- that should be fine. We're both adults, we can handle that,' Harry mumbled.
'Of course,' Tom answered. Two went to the bedroom and put their things away to stall time. However, time waits for no person so eventually they had to climb into the not so large bed.
'Goodnight...' Harry muttered.
'Goodnight...' Tom muttered back. After probably an hour, they both managed to fall asleep.
However, their sleep was interrupted early in the morning.
Harry was jolted from his sleep when he felt an arm pull him forwards. His eyes took a bit to adjust to the light but when they finally did, his saw Tom's face directly in front of his. They had some how managed to tangle their legs together and get rather snug with each other during their sleep.
Tom was clearly still asleep, however, Harry was now wide awake and trying to figure out how to untangle himself from his boss.
With a blushing face Harry realised he had to wake the man.
'Tom,' Harry whispered.
'Tom.' The man mumbled in his sleep. Harry rolled his eyes at him.
'Tom,' he said a bit louder. Tom's eyes flickered open and the look of confusion on his face almost made Harry melt from the cuteness.
'How did we-?' He questioned tiredly.
'Obviously I am just an amazing teddy bear,' Harry chuckled. Tom scoffed and removed his arm, rubbing his face to try and get rid of the tiredness.
'You must have drugged that burger,' Tom mumbled.
'Hey,' Harry laughed, gently waking the man's arm. Which, Harry kind of noticed was rather muscular. Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise as he glanced at them. Though when he looked back at Tom he saw the man smirking. Harry blushed and stuck his tongue out at him.
Tom chuckled and glanced down at his lips. Harry fell silent at the look and got a little nervous.
He's never been this close to Tom, especially for this long.
'Tom, I-' Harry was hushed when Tom closed the distance between their lips. Harry's eyes went wide but he didn't pull back.
'Merry Christmas, Harry,' Tom whispered against his lips. Harry inwardly sighed in acceptance and caved into the kiss.
'Merry Christmas, Tom,' Harry replied, trying his best to deepen the kiss.

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