Cyclopedia of Healing Charms

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Harry said goodbye to Katie Bell and went after Draco. He followed him to the bathroom and watched him cry into the mirror. He looked miserable.
'I know you done it, Malfoy.' Draco spun round and stared at Harry.

'I- I had no choice,' he stuttered.

'Of course you didn't,' Harry said as he extended his wand. Draco sobbed quietly but raised his own.

'Expelliarmus!' Harry shouted and disarmed Draco.

'Please, Potter. I had no choice. I mean it!' Draco shouted. Harry scoffed before launching himself at him. Draco yelped as he fell to the ground. Harry landed on top of him and readied his fist. Draco had a cut lip from where Harry had hit him as they fell. His t-shirt was ripped and fell under his shoulder. Draco looked up at Harry as he cried.

'Just punch me already. Make sure you do it right so it kills me. I cannot continue with this. Order after order. This order has gone to far. I cannot do it,' he sobbed.

'What order are you on about? Who's ordering you?' Harry asked confused.

'Who do you think?! Everyone knows it. They know I'm one of them. I didn't want to be. My father forced it. It hurt... now it's there forever. I cannot do this, Harry,' Draco whispered.

'I... what's the order he has given you?' Harry asked as he put his hand down.

'I... he has ordered me to get rid of... of Dumbledore. To kill him. I can't,' Draco sobbed. Harry raised his fist again.

'You're going to kill Dumbledore?!' Harry yelled.

'Harry must you be death now?! I said I can't!' Draco yelled back.
'I don't want to harm anyone anymore. I don't like it.'

Harry glanced him up and down deciding whether to believe him or not. That's when he caught sight of Draco quivering lips. He hated when he caught sight of Draco's lip. He always wanted to kiss them. Draco saw where his eyes had gone and blushed deeply. Harry argued with himself but he couldn't help it. He knew he was gay. Well... gay for Draco.
He rushed forward and joined his lips with Draco's. Draco was shocked at first but eagerly kissed back. Harry licked Draco's lip asking for entrance and recieved it. He explored every inch of Draco's mouth with hunger. Soon they both needed air and parted.
Harry panted as he looked into Draco's eyes.
'You don't have to kill him.'

'Harry... yes I do. But I don't want to,' Draco sighed.

'No, you don't. I'm looking after you now. You're staying with me. I'll talk to Dumbledore. I'm sure he can figure something out. I'm never going to force you to do something you don't want to,' Harry replied.

'He'll kill my parents,' Draco said.

'No he won't. I have an idea for that one,' Harry said as he got up. He held out his hand for Draco who took it.

'Thanks,' he mumbled.

'You're welcome.' Harry smiled brightly though the smile soon vanished when he glanced at Draco's appearance.
'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine,' Draco chuckled. Harry gave him a small smile before getting his wand.

'Reparo,' Harry mumbled and Draco's t-shirt was fixed. Harry touched Draco's cut on his lip and sighed.
'The healing charm... episkey.' Harry tried and to his delight the cut healed. 'I'm surprised that worked. It heals split lips and broken noses. This is a cut. But I guess it counts as a split lip.'

'Yes it counts,' Draco chuckled.
'What other healing charms do you know?'

'Well, Anapneo. That clears someones throat if it is blocked. Brackium Emendo, that fixes broken bones. Ferula, bandages and splints broken bones. Can also be used as a pain killer. Reparifors, reverts minor magically-induced ailments like paralysis and poisoning.' Harry rambled on.

'Harry!' Draco laughed. Harry stopped and smiled nervously.
'You're a cyclopedia full of healing charms.'

'That a bad thing?' Harry asked.

'No,' Draco scoffed in amusement.
'You should get a job as a healer when we leave Hogwarts. Or get a part time job with Poppy now.'

'I'll talk to her.' Harry answered. He looked at Draco's lips and kissed him gently.

'What are we?' Draco asked after they parted.

'What do you want us to be?' Harry smiled.

'A couple?' Draco asked nervously.

'Then that's what we are,' Harry answered.

I forgot to mention in the one shot before the last one that I won't be doing Dramione or Harry with Hermione. I have nothing against her I swear😂 I just don't ship them, sowwy.

Hope you enjoyed,

Sincerely Izzy.

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