Hug Monster

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Vincent Crabbe walked fast through the Entrance Hall with his boyfriend, Gregory Goyle, eager to get to the Great Hall for breakfast.
It was the Yule Holiday and not many students were at Hogwarts so there was plenty of food for them. In fact it was Yule today so there would be a great feast. He was about to open the Great Hall door for Gregory Goyle when he was hugged from behind. He tensed up and turned his head to see Harry Potter.
'Harry? What on earth are you doing?'

'Hugging you because it's Yule and I loved your present,' Harry mumbled.

'You're welcome, I loved yours too. Hug someone else, Greg and I would like to eat,' Vincent said. Harry huffed and let go. Vincent watched him look around the hallway and he ran to a poor 1st year. He squeezed the life out of that kid before going to some more. Harry turned his head back Vincent's direction and he hid behind a wall with Greg. He poked his head out and watched Harry attack others. Anyone who came into the hallway was attacked but they quickly ran and hid as well.

'Harry's gone hug mad,' Greg whispered.

'Keep quiet and he might not find us, love' Vincent replied. The two then turned their heads to the Great Hall door when it opened. Out came their head of house, Severus Snape.

'What is all this racket about?' Severus questioned, looking at everyone in confusion as they hid behind something or someone. Though his eyes soon narrowed on the eighteen year old standing in the middle of the Entrance Hall.
'Potter. Why is everyone hiding from you?'

'Because he is hugging everyone,' Vincent bravely called out from his hiding spot. Severus eyed Harry in annoyance. Though he soon became confused when the raven looked like he was siriusly considering something. His eyes widened slightly when Harry shrugged and grinned at him. Harry then skipped over to him and hugged him. Everyone but Vincent and Greg took that moment to dash into the Great Hall. Vincent and Greg stayed, ready to save their friend. Harry had become their friend the day he found them snogging in a deserted classroom. Harry hadn't shouted their secret from the roof top; he actually just squealed; so they called a truce and became friends with the actually decent Gryffindor. They were secret friends for a while but then the golden trio started to crumble and then Harry told them he was gay so the other two ditched him completely and now he stuck around them like a lost puppy. But they didn't mind it.

'Potter... let go,' Severus growled.

'Mhm mhm,' Harry mumbled, shaking his head and hugging him tighter. Vincent and Greg couldn't help but chuckle.
'You're actually quiet comfy.'

'Potter, let go!' Severus barked, making the actually quite timid teen jump back in shock with a loud whimper. Harry shook his head and grinned at the man. He pulled something out of his pocket and enlarged it. It was a wrapped up present. Harry extended the present out to the man.

'I got you a present, sir. A thank you for letting me sit at the Slytherin table. And because I just wanted to give you one,' Harry said. Severus eyed the present cautiously. Harry chuckled and pushed it into the man's hands. Severus fiddled with the paper for a few seconds before realised how riddikulus he was being. He pulled the silver wrapping paper back and pulled the white fabric out. Harry took the paper off him and shook the white fabric out. It was a white fluffy hooded cloak, clipped on the inside was a white fluffy scarf and gloves. Severus stared at the present in surprise.
'I know it's not your go to colour... but I thought it would look nice... on you. I-I understand if you don't like it. I-I can take them back if you want.' An embarrassed Harry went to take the cloak back but Severus moved it away from the teen.

'You don't need to take it back,' Severus said. He then proceeded to take off the cloak he was wearing now and pulled on the white cloak, scarf and gloves. Harry, Vincent and Greg all looked at their potions professor in shock.

'So... you like it?' Harry questioned nervously.

'I wouldn't put it on otherwise,' Severus drawled, looking away from the teen. Harry squealed and hugged him again. Severus groaned and pulled Harry off of him. He turned around and went back into the Great Hall. Harry, Vincent and Greg following behind. The usually loud hall; no matter how many students there were; fell silent as they entered and stared at the Slytherin Head of House. They began whispering and pointing at him. Harry was quickly becoming red as he grew angry at them all.

'Hey!' Harry shouted.
'If he wants to wear white, he can wear white! Just like you can wear whatever you're wearing currently! If I hear any of you talking or laughing about him in anyway ever again, I will personally kick your arses!'

'I can stand up for myself,' Severus mumbled.

'You're welcome,' Harry chuckled.
'Where are you sitting?' Harry asked whilst scanning the large table in the middle of the hall.

'At the staff table,' Severus replied.

'Okay but everyone is sitting at that table,' Harry said,

'I'm not everyone and why do you care where I sit?' Severus asked.

'Because I'm sitting with you,' Harry replied like that was obvious. Severus raised his eyebrow whilst Vincent and Greg snickered.

'And when was that decided?' Severus questioned.

'When I was picking your present,' Harry answered.
'Now come on before Vinnie and Greggie die from hunger.' Harry gently grabbed Severus' wrist and pulled him to the staff table. Harry sat down and looked down at everyone else. Harry grinned and chuckled.
'I like it up here. Sit down Vinnie and Greggie, you'll like it too,' Harry said. The two chuckled at their friend and sat down. They too grinned and chuckled. Harry looked up at the confused as hell Severus and smiled warmly.
'Come on, sir. You don't want your food to go cold.' Severus sighed and sat down. Harry grinned more and turned to the food that had appeared before them.

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