Date with ? (not checked)

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Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table for breakfast shaking like hell. 'Jeez Harry, what's wrong?' Hermione asked as she looked up from the latest Daily Prophet paper.

'N-Nothing, j-just nervous,' Harry stuttered.

'Nrvus? Botwat?' Ron asked through a mouthful of food. 'Wgt exam?'

'Well we have one but I'm not nervous about that. It's DADA after all. Even if every teacher tried to kill or accidentally almost kill me. I'm good at the subject,' Harry answered, somehow understanding his male best friend.

'What?!' Ron yelped, spitting out some food as he did. 'Since when have we got an exam today?'

'The Professor for DADA likes surprise ones. They put it up on the exam board yesterday,' Harry answered.

'Forget about the exam for a second, why are you nervous, Harry?' Hermione questioned. Obviously she had studied so she weren't nervous either.

'I- I uh... I'm going to ask someone I like to go on a date with me,' Harry answered quietly. Ron gasped whilst Hermione squealed.

'Who? What's their blood status?' Hermione asked, even though she knew who it was.

'You'll see and they're a pureblood,' Harry mumbled.

'How are you asking her?' Hermione questioned.

'Approach and ask them once they leave the Great Hall after dinner...' Harry answered, feeling even more nervous now.

'Harry,' Hermione whined. 'You need to make it romantic.'

'The date itself is romantic, why do I have to make asking romantic?' Harry huffed.

'Because you do. How about giving the girl a present?' Hermione suggested.

'I guess I could, they do like attention...' Harry mumbled. 'In a good way!' He added quickly.

'I don't think she does,' Ron said, rolling his eyes.

'How do you know that?' Harry frowned in confusion.

'I've known her longer,' Ron said like it was obvious.

'Just because you've grown up in this world doesn't mean you've known them longer. And for your information, you hardly talk to them anymore!' Harry huffed, grabbing his stuff and getting up from the table. 'Now, I have a catalogue to go and look at!' Harry added before storming away.

'I've lived with Ginny my whole life. She's my little sister for goodness sake!' Ron hissed.

'Ron, have you thought that it might not be Ginny?' Hermione questioned, even though she thought it was Ginny as well.

'Yeah right, the two have been close since she started coming here. And remember they were together briefly before the war,' Ron scoffed.

'I heard my name. What might or might not be me?' Ginny asked, as she sat down next to Hermione.

'Harry's going to ask you out on a date. Say yes so he won't mope about for the rest of the day,' Ron answered. 'Please?'

'Uh.' Ginny gulped and glanced towards the Ravenclaw table. 'I doubt he would be asking me. He was the one to break up with me after all.'

'So?' Ron shrugged.

'Merlin you know nothing about girls,' Hermione muttered.

'Well duh, I only wanted to be with one,' Ron smiled, leaning towards Hermione. The girl blushed and kissed Ron on the lips.

'Ugh, heterosexuals kissing,' Ginny gagged quietly to herself and went to sit with her friends.


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