Hug Monster - Part Two

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The Christmas Holidays were over. Everything was going to go back to normal. Harry, Gregory and Vincent were no longer going to sit at the table with Severus. The three younger men were no longer going to follow Severus everywhere and call themselves his friends. Harry doing it all mostly. And Severus couldn't wait. He wouldn't miss it. Like it was annoying having them follow him around. He didn't consider them as close friends. So really, he won't care when they ignore him to save themselves the embarrassment of letting everyone else know they "befriended" a teacher.

Severus stared at his cloak rack, thinking about whether he should wear the white cloak he was gifted or not.
'Well I don't care what people think of me. If I want to wear it no one should have a say in the matter.'
Severus huffed and grabbed it, pulling it on before he opened up his front door and leaving his quarters.

'Morning, Severus!' Said man jumped at the unexpected cheery shout. Severus looked to his right to see Harry, Gregory, and Vincent all standing there waiting him for him like they did over the holiday.

'H- Mr. Potter... what are you doing here?' Severus questioned.

'What do you mean? We were waiting here for you so we can walk to the Great Hall together like we usually do,' Harry answered in confusion, looking at Severus like he had three heads.

'Only you would think it would become a normal occurrence,' Severus scoffed.
'That was during the holidays. I don't know if you noticed, Mr. Potter, but it is no longer the Christmas Holidays. Anyway, even during the holidays I didn't ask to have children following me around everywhere.'

'I- I thought we were friends, Severus,' Harry mumbled, looking like a hit puppy.

'Exactly, you thought. Next time ask because we aren't. Now if you excuse me, I an not going to miss my breakfast for this silly conversation,' Severus drawled, stepping past the three and walking off.
He could just hear Gregory and Vincent begging Harry to let them hex him.
Severus rolled his eyes and continued making his way to the Great Hall.
Ignoring the stairs he got for his cloak, Severus eventually reached the Great Hall and sat down in seat. He poured himself a cup of coffee and chugged it down, sighing in relief as it entered his system. He eyed the three empty seats around him in confusion.

'I allowed Mr. Potter, Mr Goyle, and Mr. Crabbe to sit up here with you,' Severus turned his head to the left to see the Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, speaking to him.
'Mr. Potter came to my office... early hours in the morning, and asked- well basically begged to be allowed to sit with you. He didn't want to leave you alone. You've made some really good friends, Severus. And I say this as another caring friend... don't screw it up.'
Severus stared at her, not knowing what to say. Although he was now slowly beginning to beat himself up.
'Oh no... you already did, didn't you?'

'Poss-' Severus was then interrupted by a ticked off voice.

'Severus.' The man faced forward to see Harry standing in front of the table looking and sounding pissed off. Gregory and Vincent behind him.


'No. No you are not going to push me away that easily,' Harry interrupted again.
'And I am disappointed in you for thinking I would go that easily. You are my friend, Severus. As well as Vinnie and Greggie's. A close one. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not. So deal with it.' The three younger adults turned and walked around the table, sitting down beside Severus. All three of them ignoring their audience.

'Mr. Potter, you have n-'

'Severus,' Harry warned in a dangerous tone. Severus ignored the warning.


'No!' Harry shouted, slamming his hands on the table and glaring at Severus.
'You're my friend Severus! I'm not going to let you go! No matter what you say and do!'


'Severus you stubborn git, shut up!' Harry half laughed and half groaned in annoyance. Severus shut his mouth and faced forward, glaring at his food. He then jumped when he felt arms wrap around him. Severus' eyes widened and he glared at the raven haired adult hugging him.

'Oh no, the hug monster is back!' Gregory laughed. Harry pulled back from Severus laughing. He turned to Gregory and Vincent with an evil grin as he raised his arms towards them.
'Noooo!' Gregory laughed as Harry tackled him into a hug.
'Vincent, run, save yourself!'

'I don't think so, Vinnie,' Harry said and quickly got out of his seat to hug Vincent before he could escape.

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