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Okay... I didn't think I would need to do this but here I am. I love and respect you all alright and I mean no harm to anyone. I would just like to point something out and ask it to discontinue.

Some people have gone onto certain ships with rather long age gaps and instead of just skipping it, have commented their "disgust". I understand why they could feel this way and they are allowed to feel it. I don't mind if they don't like it.
However... the need to comment their discomfort is not necessary. They may just skip the part and move on. No commentary of discomfort needed.

I don't really like having to do this because I love you all, you've made me laugh, made me blush and created a tiny little ego from the compliments, made me feel bad for certain endings... a lot of emotions...
So please, I beg of you, please stop commenting if you don't like something. Just skip the ship and move on. Pretty pleaseeeee!🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏
Thank you!😊

Oh and no need to say sorry, there is no fault. Just pwease stop commenting.
I accept criticism just not any mentions of disgust.
I want this one shot to be a safe for everyone. No one should feel bad for reading something they enjoy. No judgement here. Honestly! I can deal with pretty much anything.

Love and respect you all,

Have a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/evening/night.

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