2022 Halloween Special

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Thank you to those who gave me a couple ideas. I believe I used one or two of them.
There will be some smut. So is warning the innocents. And trust me! I've had an innocent read some of my stories before. They commented to say thanks for the warning.

Hope you enjoy 😈

Harry stumbled into a door as he landed. Said door fell open causing Harry to tumble forward into a stair case.
He had just come from another depressing day at work. He wanted to get home quick so he could have a little pick me up but something pulled him away from his home last minute. To what he had no idea.

Turning around on the stairs, Harry looked around.
'What? What am I doing here? This isn't home... this is... it reminds me of a dream... ugh a dream I can't remember.' Harry held onto the banister and pulled himself up. Slowly walking himself up the stairs, his mind started to remember.
'No... it can't be,' Harry mumbled. Harry got to a corner on the stairs and felt his blood go cold.
'It is,' Harry muttered, gulping loudly. Harry walked up the rest of the staircase and came to stop at the end of a hallway. Harry stared at the door on the other end. It was cracked open the slightest bit. Thankfully there was no talking but Harry couldn't help but look around his feet for a certain creature. He knew this was real and that he was actually here and not dreaming but he wasn't expecting that very same creature to actually be there. Harry's eyes widened and he stepped back in shock.

'Relax, kid. I was pulled here too,' he heard from the snake.

'Nagini! How are you alive?' Harry asked, kneeling down quickly. He stroked the large snake happily.

'How are you still alive?' The snake, the one and only Nagini, repeated.

'But your head was cut off...' mumbled.

'Don't remind me, the headache I got when I was back... ugh. Plus, you "had your soul taken from your body." Mine was only... cut,' Nagini explained.

'Are you still... connected?' Harry asked with a hint of sadness.

'Unfortunately no. If only we knew what the old man was planning,' Nagini replied.

'So are you still under the spell, are you... dark?' Harry questioned.

'No... more grey. Like Severus... I liked him as well. Stupid old man making me... I hated that,' Nagini answered. Harry sighed and nodded.

'He is a good...ish man. I would have liked to get to know him before he moved away. But it was good for his health. I hope he comes back eventually,' Harry mumbled.

'So me striking him in more of a fatty area worked? He's not dead?' Nagini asked.

'No he isn't. That would have been terrible,' Harry answered.
'Now... should we go in there?' Nagini looked to the door and sighed.

'We might as well find out why we were pulled here,' Nagini said. Harry nodded and held his arm out. Nagini slithered up his arm and wrapped around his shoulders.
Harry hummed.

'I missed you a lot,' Harry chuckled as he slowly approached the door.

'Missed you too kid,' Nagini replied.

'I'm not a kid anymore. I'm forty for goodness sake,' Harry muttered.

'Still a kid to me,' Nagini chuckled. Harry rolled his eyes and placed his hand against the door. Followed by dread and old memories, Harry entered the room. Harry covered his mouth before he could inhale the dust surrounding the room. Harry gulped at the sight of the place.

One shots- Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now