Oh Dear Merlin...

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Severus watched his students cautiously as they brewed their potions. It was 5th year Gryffindor’s and Slytherin's and they were making a rather explosive potion. Of course he made sure to partner them all up and make the more skilled of the five to make the potion. He had to put them in groups of five because there weren't many talented students in this group. He wasn't trying to be biased but the Slytherin's had the majority of the more skilled. But that was just because they all tried to make Severus proud of them. Most of the Gryffindor’s hated him so felt no instinct to succeed in this class just to make him proud. If they want to succeed, he definitely wasn't passing their minds.

Speaking of Gryffindor’s that hated him, he turned to few he didn't particularly like.
'Mr. Potter, Mr. Goyle, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Longbottom, stop arguing and pay attention to Miss Granger. Three points from Gryffindor and one from Slytherin.'

'I wasn't even apart of their argument, sir. I was telling them, shush,' Potter huffed out. For some weird and unnatural reason, he was slightly amused.

'And you failed. If you want to continue pointing your failures out, we'll be here till Christmas. Actually no, till we die,' Severus replied, glaring particularly harsher so Potter would stop being weird and be normal again.

Apparently that did not work since he merely laughed.
'Damn thanks,' Potter scoffed. Severus felt his eye twitching as he turned away.

"Stop enjoying yourself, Potter!" Severus thought to himself.

Potter continued like this all week until he got into a fight with Malfoy. Once he got to potions, he was rather quick to retort. Severus felt calmer when he got to give him a detention for his language on top of the detention he got from Minerva. But then, after the quiet detention, he was back at it. Laughing at the things Severus said and done like they good friends. It disgusted Severus to his core.

The behaviour was on and off for the rest of the year. Of course, he was normal again when he had to deal with the yearly end of the year issues.

But then when the boy came back, he had changed again. This time it was worse. When he fell asleep in class, the boy would... blush when he was awoken by himself or his little friends. Always glancing at Severus. Especially when his back was to him. What was so interesting about his back he had no idea.

Then... the worst that could happen to him, happened. When he tried to creep up on the boy to see how his potion was doing or to see if he could spook him into doing something wrong, he didn't jump. He had been secretly watching him. But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was when the boy shivered when he spoke.

The first time he shivered, Severus just assumed he was cold and it was just a coincidence. The second time he thought that he must be succeeding in scaring him and Potter was trying not to seem scared. But then he noticed a blush form every time he shivered.

It was when he noticed the blush, he realised what was happening. He'd dealt with it before. Particularly with his Slytherins and a couple Ravenclaws. But never with a Gryffindor. And he never expected it from the son of his childhood bully and only best friend that he betrayed.

What did fate think they were doing now? Were they bored? Did they think they hadn't messed with life enough?

Potter had a crush on him.

Severus felt off for the rest of the day when he realised it. It was Potter for Christ sake. How could the boy even think him... crush worthy? How could he deal with this? Usually he'd get Minerva to sit with the student and tell them, whatever she says and it usually stops it. When it doesn't stop, they have to get parents involved.

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