About Christmas Special votes!

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So it was a long day... it took longer then I thought it would to get to midnight. But it's here and I have counted the votes.
If you voted on the same ship more then once, it wasn't counted. Though if you voted on more then one ship, that was fine.

The results!

In last place we have...
Deamus with 0 votes (Did not see that coming.)

In 7th place we have...
Blarry with 1 vote and Guna, also with 1 vote.

In 6th place we have...
Drarry with 3 votes and Wolfstar, also with 3 votes. (Did not expect these two to be in 6th place.)

In 5th place we have...
Drarry×Snarry with 4 votes and Fred×Neville×George, also with 4 votes.

In 4th place we have...
Larry with 5 votes.

In 3rd place George...
Fred×Harry×George with 7 votes.

In 2nd place we have...
Snarry with 10 votes.

And in 1st place! We have...
Drum role!
Tomarry with 12 votes!

Wow! Didn't think people would go for this!😂
Now would you guys want them to have a Christmas by themselves or with family and friends?

🎄Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!🎄

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