Smooth Ferret, Smooth

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(I give credit to two people for this one. After reading both one shots I was like, "light bulb!" I basically put the two things together and changed it up a bit and obviously, to add a little spice at the end. Which I desperately wanted to happen in the one shots I read but it's fine...
So the two people are,


drxrryship(<might be using the same song. Just comment on this if you want me to change it.)
Thank you both of you for giving me my idea. And to everyone who reads this, go check out their stuff. Oh and uh please enjoy and thank you for reading.)
*Warning innocent minds! Warning innocent minds! There will be smut in this one shot!*


Draco took a larger gulp of his beverage -Captain Morgans with Vimto- as he looked around at all the men. (Yes he snuck his own drink in. He didn't trust anyone to not put anything in his drinks.)
'Why are we here? We've fucked all the good ones in this town. How did you even find this place?'

'I'm just here for looking today, I heard there was this guy that done regular performances. Apparently he's really good but we'll have to see for ourselves,' Severus Snape answered him before taking a drink of his own beverage -Vodka and Coke-. (Also snuck in.) 'I also got ourselves a little present if they are good. It's a surprise so don't bother asking.'

'I hope this strip club is better then the others,' Draco grumbled. 'The men didn't even show anything good.'

'Still got you horny enough to fuck half the staff,' Severus scoffed.

'You can't say anything Sev, you were fucking them all with me,' Draco smirked.

'Well, we do make the perfect team,' Severus snickered.

'That's what they all say,' Draco sighed. He glanced around the strip club to find someone staring at him.

'Looks like we've got something for later,' Severus whispered.

'Mmm, if we find nothing else. I've seen the way he's been acting around everyone. Not my favourite type of drunk person,' Draco mumbled.

'Can't be picky Draco,' Severus chuckled.

'Bloody well can. Plus, you can tell from miles away he's a top. I'm not bending over for nobody,' Draco scoffed.

'I suppose you're right... I wouldn't be bending over for him either. Good body and all but... well you can tell he hasn't got much under those trousers,' Severus replied.

'Probably about three inches... if I want to exaggerate,' Draco smirked.

'Well, you're never wrong about size so I'll take your word for it. Looks like he's found himself some more pray,' Severus said. Draco glanced over to see the man snogging some guy. Poor guy, he won't be getting much later.
'When is this stripper starting?' Severus said in frustration. And right on cue, the lights above the stage went out.
The room went silent when they heard foot steps moving along the stage.
The two couldn't see much with the lights out but they could just make out a curvy figure. A single light went on above the stripper. They were facing the other way so they got a lovely view of the guys arse through fish net underwear. Draco was already getting excited.
The music then stared to play.

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