One Sided Love|Part 2

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Severus put the last book he wanted on the pile he was carrying and looked to the potions and ingredients. He shook his head and turned around.
Potter couldn't honestly want to give them away. They're far too precious. He turned around a corner and began to approach Potter and the weird Goblin called Victor.

Severus raised and eyebrow at the conversation he tuned into.
'I don't understand how you can do this, Mr. Potter... it must take a lot of will power to not do anything stupid,' Victor mumbled after two minutes. Potter not do something stupid, yeah right. He does that daily.

'Well, I guess it does take a lot of that to not just grab his face and tell him I've been madly in love with him since my sixth year,' Potter scoffed. Severus felt his head go dizzy.

'You what?' Potter snapped his head to Severus. His eyes going wide with horror. Clearly he didn't mean for Severus to hear this.

'Severus! What did you hear?' Harry questioned, approaching the man. Severus held up his hand and Potter stopped.

'Every word you just said...' Severus whispered.
'Is it true?'

'N-No,' Potter gulped.

'Don't lie!' Severus snapped.

'Yes it's true and I'm sorry,' Potter sighed, his cheeks going red in shame.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Severus questioned.

'You're with Remus! You love Remus! I'm not that selfish to possibly ruin what you guys have!' Potter answered.

'So you've spent twenty years watching him and me... doing nothing about it?' Severus asked. How could Potter do such a thing. If Remus liked someone else, Severus was sure he'd hex that person into oblivion. In fact  he had done that. Seeing Gilderoy Lockhart covered in warts and scratches made his day.

'Yes,' Potter mumbled. 

'Why?' Severus questioned.

'B-Because... I want you to be happy. If you're happy... then I'm happy,' Potter mumbled. Severus saw the pain in Potter's eyes.

'But you're not happy are you?' Severus asked.

'Ugh! Of course not! I've been in love with you for twenty years and you've been with him for twenty two! It has sucked liked hell! I'm a bloody alcoholic! I have to wear a glamour every time I leave my house! My life is miserable! I'm bloody depressed as hell!' Harry cried.
'But I wouldn't change it for the world.'

'Potter...' Severus sighed. What was he supposed to do now. Potter l-loved him. But he loved Remus... there was nothing he could do.

'Look, I'm sorry, you probably didn't want to hear this two days before your wedding. You probably didn't want to hear this at all,' Potter said quietly.

'What am I supposed to do now?' Severus mumbled, hoping he had an answer because he certainly didn't.

'You, will carry on with this bachelor party. You are going to marry Remus,' Harry answered.

'What about you?' Severus asked.
'I mean... would it not be hard to attend the wedding?'

'It will but you don't need to worry about that,' Harry mumbled.

'What do you me-'

'Oblivate,' Harry whispered, pointing his wand to Severus' forehead.

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