Book Shop

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Harry put his hood up and walked through Diagon Alley trying to go unnoticed. He stepped into Flourish and Botts and closed the door behind him. After making sure hardly anyone was there he pulled his hood down. He walked up to the top and looked around at the books. He picked a few out and went downstairs to pay for them, holding them to his chest. He placed the books on the counter and got the right amount of money out of his wallet. He gave the shop owner the money and pulled his hood on. He got the books and held them to his chest again. He smiled at the owner and made his way out of the shop. As he did however, he bumped into someone and went flying backwards. Expecting to feel the ground he shut his eyes closed. Though instead of feeling the ground he felt an arm wrap around his waist catching him mid fall. Harry's hood fell backwards and he could now see his saviour. It was none other than Blaise Zabini. Same age as Harry but in Slytherin. Best friends with Draco Malfoy. Harry had secretly had a crush on the young man holding him since... forever. Harry blushed and stood up.

'Thanks, Zabini.' Harry mumbled. 'And sorry for bumping into you.'

'No problem Potter and it's fine. I get you're trying to hide from your millions of fans.' Blaise chuckled. Harry sighed at the usual Slytherin behaviour he received and bent down to grab his books. He pulled them back to his chest and rose from the ground and went to walk around him.
'Hey...' Blaise quickly stood in front of him. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it.'

'It's fine. I'm used to it anyway.' Harry mumbled.

'Now I feel really bad.' Blaise chuckled nervously and put his hand on the back of his neck. Harry glanced at the movement and blushed at how hot the man was.

'You don't have to feel bad. I need to go, it was nice seeing you again Zabini.' Harry nodded and walked out the door. Blaise watched him go before sighing and running after him.

'Wait!' He called out. Harry turned and Blaise had to quickly come to a halt. 'Woah.' He gasped and as he stumbled he grabbed onto Harry's arms. Harry stood his ground and Blaise balanced himself out. 'Sorry,' he chuckled.

'It's fine.' Harry blushed as Blaise was still holding onto his arms.

'I... would you like to join me to the restaurant over there? I'll pay.' Blaise asked nervously.

'Uhhh... I... I would like that.' Harry chuckled quietly as he glanced up at the man.

'Cool. Let me quickly grab a book I wanted then I'll be right out.' Blaise said before rushing into the shop again. Harry pulled his hood up and lent on the shop wall. Two minutes later he came back out with the book he wanted. 'Let's go.' He grinned and held his arm out of him to hold. Harry rolled his eyes and took the arm. The two silently walked over to the restaurant and entered. Harry glanced around at all the people and got a bit nervous. Blaise felt Harry tighten his grip and looked at him.
'Hey, we can go somewhere else if you're too nervous.'

'N-no it's fine.' Harry stuttered.

'You sure?' Blaise asked carefully.

'Yeah.' Harry smiled up at him. Blaise nodded and smiled back. He turned to the man at the front and asked for a table for two. The man showed them to a table and gave them a menu.

'Would you like anything to drink? We just got our finest wine this morning.' He offered. Harry looked at Blaise and shrugged.

'We'll have two glasses of that then please.' Blaise answered and the man walked away after giving them a nod. The two placed their books under the table and put their cloaks on the back of the chair. The man soon came back and poured the wine into two glasses. He turned away and left the two to decide their meals.

'Are you sure you want to pay for me? I don't mind paying for myself.' Harry asked as he looked over the prices.

'Yes, from the several husbands my mother has had we have boat loads of money.' Blaise chuckled. Harry smiled in understanding but still looked at the cheapest meals.

'I've never actually been to a restaurant before.' Harry chuckled after they ordered what they wanted.

'How? Did your family not take you out for a nice treat?' Blaise asked curiously.

'My family weren't big on giving any treats.' Harry laughed coldly before he regretted bringing it up.

'How so?' Blaise questioned the strange behaviour of Harry's family.

'They weren't exactly happy at having to raise me.' Harry mumbled quietly.

'Oh...' Blaise said and went quiet. He saw Harry start to get upset and changed the subject.
'I saw you had books on healer stuff. You interested in becoming one?'

'Yeah, I have a course next week. I'm just going over everything again. Just to refresh my mind on it.' Harry answered. There food came and the two started to eat.

'So when did you decide you wanted to become a healer? Everyone would have expected you to become an Auror.' Blaise asked.

'Well I never really wanted to be apart of the war. But I really had no choice in the matter. And everything I done before it I was judged and told to do things the way people wanted me too. But now it has ended I'm making my own choices. In the war I had to fight many people. Kill many even...' Harry sighed. 'But I want to help them. Help heal them.'

'Makes sense.' Blaise said.

'Okay we've talked about me too much. What job have you got? Or haven't you got one yet?' Harry asked.

'Oh I'm working with Draco in a potions shop.' Blaise answered.

'Oh... you two were pretty good with potions. I definitely wasn't with the books we got given.' Harry chuckled.

'You were well good with Slughorn though. How?' Blaise smirked. They both knew Harry sucked before Slughorn.

'Oh Professor S... our old Professor had his own potions book. It was left in the cuboard full of others. Ron and me had faught over the best book but he got it. I took what looked like an old torn book that is like the others. Turned out it was his and he had made corrections to it. I followed his corrections and hey, my potions are excellent.'

'So your good with the right instructions. Who would have guessed?' Blaise laughed.

'No one.' Harry laughed as well.
'So how have you been since it finished? I heard some Slytherins aren't getting the best treatment from everyone.'

'Yeah I'm fine... it's Draco that gets it rough. Even though he was forced into receiving the mark everyone still hates him. Which is completely stupid if you ask me. He was protecting his family. Wouldn't anyone?' Blaise sighed.

'You're really good friends aren't you?' Harry asked quietly and avoided eye contact with Blaise. Whom noticed Harry doing so and smirked.

'We've been friends since we were born. But nothing to worry about. I don't like him more than a best friend.' Blaise answered.

'What? Why would I care if you liked him that way? This isn't a date or anything.' Harry chuckled nervously as he blushed a deep red.

'I'd like it to be.' Blaise said as he "casually" placed his hand over Harry's. He grabbed his glass of wine with his other hand and sipped it whilst he watched Harry.
Harry looked at the hand and blushed more if it was even possible. He looked up at Blaise through his messy jet black hair and saw the smile on his face. His eyes held truth and Harry couldn't help but smile like a kid in a sweet store.

'I... I'd like it to be too.' He mumbled.

'Then it is. Our first date.' Blaise replied and held Harry's hand properly.

Hope you enjoyed,

Sincerely Izzy.

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