One sided love

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(Hasn't been checked over but I felt like you guys deserved an update. I apologise for the non existant updates but I haven't been myself lately and I haven't been getting the joy I usually got from writing. I also have college which takes up Monday to Wednesday.
But it's not much of an excuse so I apologise.
This may be sad... so I apologise in advance😂.
Hope you enjoy!!)

'Snape!' Harry cried through the Great Hall. The people nearest to him; not the ones occupied with their loved ones; turned towards Harry and stared. One helpful person actually pointed Harry in the right direction and Harry shot off to the front of the Hall. He spotted a small group of three and saw Snape within the group. His eyes widened and he stumbled back when he saw his honorary Godfather kiss Snape. Harry walked over to them and continued staring.

'Oh, Harry,' Remus mumbled.
'I can explain... umm... Severus and I have been together since your third year.'

'W-Why didn't you tell me?' Harry questioned.

'We didn't know how you'd react,' Remus answered.

'I guess that makes sense,' Harry whispered.
'I'm h-happy for you guys. H-How are you feeling Snape?'

'Call me, Severus,' the man replied. 'And I feel much better, thank you for thinking so fast about Fawks. I probably wouldn't be alive if you hadn't done so.'

'N-No problem. Couldn't let you die knowing I'd have lots of years to spend being a being pain in the arse to annoy you if you lived,' Harry answered.

'Brat,' Severus scoffed.

'You know me so well,' Harry chuckled.


'Uncle Harry! Hurry with the tea! I want to open more presents!' Harry heard his Godson shout. He shook his head in amusement and continued putting the milk back into the fridge. He extended his wand out and put the teas on a tray before casting a Levitation spell on the tray. He walked out of the kitchen, closed the door behind him, walked down the hallway and went into the living room. As he did, he heard,

'Why are we having Christmas morning here again?' Harry chuckled at the question.

'Because I have the biggest living room, Severus,' Harry answered the man as he set down the tray onto the table.

'But we don't have to wait for the tea to be made at home,' Severus mumbled.
'I don't understand why you don't use magic to make-' Severus paused so he could take a sip of his tea. Harry smirked when Severus didn't continue.

'We'll have Christmas at our home next year, Severus,' Harry's honorary godfather spoke.

'We're getting a kettle,' Severus mumbled to Remus. Harry smiled softly as he overheard Severus speak.

'Okay, enough chit chat, presents,' Harry said, sitting down in front of the tree and grabbing the closet one to him.
'This one is for... Teddy,' Harry mumbled, pacing him the present. Teddy grinned excitedly and looked at the label.

'It's from you uncle Harry!' Teddy squealed, uncle Harry always got the best presents for him. He teared the wrapping paper off and huffed at the box.

'A box! I got you a box! Am I the best Godfather? Or am I the BEST Godfather?' Harry grinned. Teddy chuckled whilst the other two adults rolled their eyes. Teddy opened up the box and his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

'What?' Teddy whispered. Harry smirked at his reaction. Teddy put his hands into the box and pulled out a hamster wheel.
'Uncle Harry... you uh- out did yourself this time. I-I've always wanted... this,' Teddy chuckled nervously.
'How'd you know?'

One shots- Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now