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Hermione ran out of the Burrow crying. Ron had just told her he liked someone else, a male in fact. She ran through the field and soon found a tree. She sat under the tree and tucked her knees to her chest as she cried.
She honestly didn't know how to feel. Sure she had felt the drift between them and expected something to happen. But it shocked her.
Had Ron ever loved her?
And did Ron accidentally cheat and had to quickly put their relationship to a stop?
Or did he do it on purpose?

Hermione couldn't put all the blame on him though. She had been drifting away as well. She had grown a liking to someone else. She tried helping this person grieve but ended up growing feelings for them.

'Hermione?' She heard someone say. She looked up from the ground to see George standing over her.

'H-hey George.' She sniffled. George smiled sadly down at her before sitting down at her side. 'Did you know?'

'About Ron?' George said to make sure he understood. She gave him a nod and he let our a breath. 'I got signs... but I couldn't piece them together since you two were with each other.'

'Okay...' she sniffled. 'H-how have you been?'

'I've been feeling better thanks to you. I might open the shop back up soon.' George grinned. Hermione smiled at him.

'That's good. You deserve to be happy.' Hermione chuckled.

'Hmm, maybe. But I know I'm never going to be truly happy. And it's not just because of... you know.' George sighed.

'What's keeping you from being happy?' Hermione frowned.

'The person I've loved for years doesn't like me in that way. Well, I haven't asked but I'm sure they don't. They like someone else.' George mumbled.

'I'm sure they do like you. Who is it?' Hermione smiled the best she could.

'I can't say...' George replied.

'Ahh why not? Is it Angelina Johnson?' Hermione asked.

'No.' George chuckled.

'Hmm are they someone I know? Wait... what gender are they first?' Hermione smirked.

'Female Hermione.' George laughed.
'And yes, you know them I guess.'

'Hmm, I don't know many females your age.' Hermione huffed.

'Now who said they are my age?' George smirked.

'Ohhh, okay. One of the Patil twins? I know one works near you.' Hermione said.

'No, neither of them.' George shivered.
'Rather not date a twin.'

'Fair enough... by any chance Lavender Brown? She works near you as well.' Hermione replied.

'Merlin no. I'd rather keep my lips attached to me.' George said, making Hermione laugh. 'And the she doesn't work near me, the person I'm in love with that is. She has a well paid job in the Ministry.'

'Ohhh she works with me then.' Hermione said. She really didn't want to find out who they were but if they made George happy, Hermione would try her best to get him with the woman he loves.
'Most of the people I work with are older then the both of us. Oh who is it George?' Hermione pouted as she went forward onto her knees and held onto George's arm.

'I think you've made it pretty obvious who it is Hermione.' George smirked. Hermione looked at him in confusion and went over what she had said in her mind. Though it still didn't come to her. There was a little hope in her mind of who it could be but that was impossible, well as least that's what she thought.

'I have a guess but I don't know if that's possible or not. I mean this person can't be lucky enough to have someone like you... l-love them.' Hermione stuttered looking down.

'Hermione,' George whispered as he lifted her head with his finger. 'Who do you think it is? And you're a smart girl Hermione, don't say something so dumb and stupid. This person is, as you say, lucky enough to have my love.'

'I don't want to say it encase I'm wrong. It would be highly embarrassing...' Hermione mumbled looking into his eyes.

'And I won't make you feel embarrassed if you get it wrong. Because you never know, you might be right.' George smiled.

'Okay...' Hermione sighed.
'Do they have brown hair?' She mumbled as she inched forward with her knees.

'Yes.' George chuckled as he moved a strand of Hermione's hair behind her ear.

'Eye colour?' Hermione asked.

'Brown as well.' George smiled and he cupped her cheek.

'Her patronus?' Hermione smiled.

'An otter,' George chuckled. 'Now Hermione, you know who it is don't ask more questions.'

'One more,' Hermione smirked. 'Do you really think this person doesn't like you back? Possibly love you back?'

'I don't know does she?' George whispered as he glanced from Hermione's light brown eyes to her light pink lips.

'Possibly love I think.' Hermione mumbled. George took a shaky breath before slamming his lips onto hers. Hermione shivered into to the gentle yet firm blissful kiss. She hadn't realised how bad she had wanted this.
George pulled back from the kiss so he could get some air.

'I love you Hermione Jean Granger.' George chuckled.

'I possibly love you too George Weasley.' Hermione chuckled back. 'So, do you think you'll be able to be happy again now?' She asked as she sat back on her butt again, George wrapping his arm around her shoulders so she could rest her head on his arm.

'I hope so.' He whispered as he kissed her temple. 'Hey, so how do you feel about... your ex?'

'Oh... I've known for a while we were drifting apart. It was just a shock. I didn't know why he was but I kinda knew why I was. Trying to make someone happy just made me fall for them.' Hermione answered. 'So, I love him as a best friend and brother.'

'How do you know you don't love me like that?' George sighed.

'Because, when I kissed Ronald it was plain. But that kiss we just shared, Merlin it was something. Amazingly good something.' Hermione smiled at him.

'Well that's a relief.' George chuckled.
'So... be my girlfriend Hermione Granger?'

'Of course George Weasley.' Hermione grinned before receiving another short, sweet but firm, blissful kiss.

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