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Cough - smut warning - cough.

'Padfoot, Moony, I'm having a shower.' Harry said as he got off the sofa.

'Okay kiddo. Take as long as you need.' Sirius grinned at him as he placed his now empty cup on the coffee table.

'Will do.' Harry chuckled as he left through the door. Remus glanced at Sirius before going back to his book. He listened as Harry turned on the shower before glancing back at Sirius. Said man stood up and picked the two empty cups up.

'Would you like another cup Moony?' Sirius asked him.

'Mmmm, yes please.' Remus replied looking the man up and down as he left to the kitchen. 'Why does the full moon have to happen tomorrow?' He mumbled to himself.
With a frustrated sigh he put his book down and stood up, making his own way to the kitchen. He stood in the doorway and lent on the side. He watched as Sirius put the kettle on for them both. Remus took a deep breath to try ignore instincts but failed.
Remus, after shuting the door, slowly walked up behind Sirius and ran a finger down the mans arm.

'What are you doing Remy?' Sirius gulped.

'Nothing much.' He whispered into the mans ear. Sirius shivered at the feeling. Remus lowered his head and placed a peck on the back of Sirius' neck. Sirius gasped slightly.

'R-Remy...' he whispered as he shut his eyes tightly.

'Don't speak...' Remus whispered into his ear again before bringing his teeth to his neck. Though not biting hard enough to draw blood.

'Mmm...' Sirius moaned. Remus latched his lips onto the nape of Sirius' neck and sucked. 'F-fuck.' Remus chuckled deeply before doing it again on the other side. As he did so his hands slowly ran down Sirius' body.
'N-not now Remy... Harry is in the bathroom.'

'I'm aware.' Remus mumbled as he placed more kisses, leaving many marks to show where. 'He'll be taking his time... and we both know he takes forever anyway.' Remus led his hand to Sirius' arse and squeezed.

'Remy...' Sirius groaned.

'Yes baby?' Remus replied as he ran his finger gently above a semi hard member belonging to Sirius, causing the man to moan deeply.

'A-are you sure? Are you s-sure you want m-me?' He stuttered. Remus placed his hands on Sirius' hips and swung him around.

'I'm sure,' he mumbled before latching his lips on Sirius'. 'Your mine.' He purred as he rubbed his own hard member against Sirius' now fully hard member.

'Yours.' Sirius moaned. Remus cupped the mans tent and rubbed. 'F-fuck Remy.'

'Is that what you want baby?' Remus whispered.
'Do you want me to fuck, you?'

'Mmm.' Sirius groaned.

'Fuck you hard? Bare? Till you can't walk properly? Or just a quick one? Words baby.' Remus chuckled against the mans neck as he licked stripes across each love mark.

'Hard... fuck me hard and bare Remy.' Sirius shuddered.

'As you wish baby.' Remus purred before yanking the mans trousers and briefs down. Sirius hissed as the air hit his rock hard member. Remus growled as he saw his mates member for the first time. 'You're beautiful.'

'Mmm, I'd say the same for you but you're covered.' Sirius smirked.

'Be patient my love.' Remus chuckled and spanked Sirius' bare arse causing him to gasp.

'Please Remy, I want you.' Sirius begged.

'Mmm, beg some more baby.'' Remus groaned as he sucked on Sirius' neck.

'Please, fuck me Remy. I want you. Want you inside me. Claim me as yours please.' Sirius begged more.

'That's it.' Remus purred before he yanked his own trousers and boxers down. Sirius looked down and drueled at the sight. Remus was much bigger than his own six inches by two. Sirius had no clue how all eight inches could fit inside of him.

'Your handsome.' Sirius groaned.

'Thank you. Now, suck.' Remus ordered Sirius to suck his fingers. Sirius done do eagerly. 'That's enough. Now turn around and bend over.' Sirius moaned at being ordered around and done as he was told. Remus unplugged the kettle and moved it to the table before eyeing Sirius arse with hunger. 'I'm so going to eat you up later.' He growled before pushing one finger in. Sirius whined at having so little in him so Remus added a second. Sirius bit his lip to fight back a moan. Remus stretched him a bit before adding a third. This time Sirius couldn't keep the moan in.
Remus smirked at that and pulled all three out. Sirius whined at the loss but soon held his breath as he felt the tip of Remus cock.
'Ready baby?'

'Y-yes Remy. Want you so bad.' Sirius moaned. 'Wreck me Rem.' Remus growled and shoved himself in. 'Remy!' Sirius moaned out in pleasure. Remus pulled out before slamming back in. 'Ahh!' Remus done this a couple times before adjusting himself and slamming back in. This time he had obviously got the right spot. 'FUCK REMY!' He screamed in pleasure. 'Do again.' He moaned.

'Anything for you baby.' Remus purred before repeating his action.

'Mmm, so... close.' Sirius moaned.

'Me too.' Remus groaned as he continued slamming in and out. 'Come for me Sirius. Come for me.'
As if on cue, Sirius let out a cry of pleasure as his load shot out. Remus moaned deeply as Sirius' arse tightened around his cock, causing him to let his load go. Remus' instincts kicked in and he flew forward, his wolf teeth penetrating the nape or Sirius' neck. Sirius moaned at the feeling and melted onto the side. Remus pulled back seconds later and licked over the mark. He pulled out of Sirius and started to pant.
'You were so good baby.'

'You too.' Sirius panted as he stood up and faced Remus. Said man waved his wand over them both and they were soon clean and had their clothes on. Remus lent forward.

'Your mine now.' He whispered before giving him a peck on the lips, a smack on the arse and walking away. He opened the door and walked back to the living room. As he entered he froze. Harry was sat on the couch with his own book. Harry saw him from the corner of his eye and waved.
'How long have you been down here?'

'Long enough. Down worry, as soon as I came back down I placed a silencing charm up.' Harry answered, not pulling his eyes away from the book.

'I can explain.' Remus said quickly.

'No need to. I've been waiting for one of you two to make a move for years now. It's so obvious you're attracted to each other.' Harry replied.

'I... you're ok with this?' Remus asked as he sat down on the opposite sofa.

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' Harry chuckled at him like that was a stupid question.

'I don't know. He is your godfather.' Remus said.

'You're my honorary godfather - or uncle you choose -. ' Harry smiled over the top of his book.

'I prefer godfather.' Remus chuckled.

'Well then, honorary godfather, I've shiped you two together since third year at Hogwarts.' Harry said before Sirius entered. Sirius spotted Harry and blushed deeply as he sat next to Remus.
'Wow Moony! You definitely wanted to make sure people knew he was yours.' Harry chuckled as he saw the many love marks. Remus laughed at his words while Sirius pouted.
'Oh and I so knew you were bottom Sirius.' Harry said before making his way to the kitchen.

'Hey! Why would your think that?!' Harry heard as disappeared.


The brightest star visible from any part of Earth is Sirius in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star. Most people in the Northern Hemisphere notice Sirius in the southeast - south - or southwest on evenings from winter to mid-spring.

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