Sneaky Slytherin

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(I know! Another Snarry?! I'm sorry. I'm working on other ships but Snarry and Drarry just keeps popping into my head. And as soon as I finish all the ships from my last request, I'll be asking again so get some ships ready.
Oh and I know this one is similar to the last... in certain way... but it popped into my head and the only way to get rid of it, is to write it and publish it to the world apparently.)

It's been two years after the war. McGonagall had sent letters to everyone who hadn't finished their seventh year about two month ago. She would have let them come back the first year Hogwarts reopened but no one wanted to come back since there were too many memories. Only a small group of students returned to Hogwarts this time and McGonagall took it since she knew no one else was going to come.
The group of students included:
Harry Potter -obviously-,
Ronald Weasley,
Hermione Granger,
Dean Thomas,
Hannah Abbott,
Padma Patil,
Blaise Zabini,
Pansy Parkinson,
Draco Malfoy and
Millicent Bulstrode.
There weren't many Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws because they didn't want to be put in anymore danger, whether the war was over or not. Harry was going after all. Danger followed him everywhere apparently. But not this year. No, this year was danger free. Just fun. But not mess about and not get grades fun. No... more like getting down and dirty. But let's not talk anymore, I'm sure you'd like to know what I mean.

Harry was currently sat at the eight year table talking with Ron when Draco walked past them.
'Scarface,' Draco spat quietly. Harry stopped speaking to Ron and faced the blonde.

'What did you say Malfoy?' Harry growled. Ron bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

'I didn't say anything,' Draco said.

'Of course you didn't,' Harry scoffed. 'I've left you alone all month, you can't help yourself can you?'

'Sorry I'm just trying to fit in with all your fans,' Draco smirked.

'You're such an annoying prat,' Harry spat, standing up to reach Draco's level.

'And you're an arrogant prat,' Draco growled.

'No one else at this table could be as pathetic as you right now. Why can't you just stop being a spoilt prick?'

'Why ca-' Draco was interrupted by a deep voice.

'Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter if you could please stop arguing whilst we're trying to eat.' Harry turned his head to the side and smirked, the whole argument forgotten.

'I'm sorry for interrupting your dinner Professor,' Harry... purred? Severus looked towards the man with a slight glare. The Gryffindor had been doing things like this since he returned to Hogwarts. The Potions Professor sighed in defeat. He'd had enough of these two. Everyone had.

'I bet you are. Now, we're all tired Mr. Potter... just say what you two want to quit all this bickering,' Severus sighed, though he somewhat regretted it as Harry's eyes darkened.

'Anything I want? Just to stop bickering?' Harry questioned, making sure he heard right.

'Yes Mr. Potter, anything you want,' Severus replied, rolling his eyes at the younger man. Severus watched as Harry stepped closer to him and leaned towards his ear.

'To start off with, I want to give you a lap dance...' Harry whispered. Severus felt his throat go dry.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Severus thought to himself.

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