Hogwarts Express

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Harry rushed through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4 before the train could leave. Vernon had decided he wanted a coffee before dropping Harry off, so he was late. It was just under a minute before the train would leave. Harry sighed in relief when he saw the train hadn't left yet. He rushed over to the person who put their belongings into a storage compartment and gave his stuff to them. They glared at him because they had just closed it up but he didn't have time to apologize properly so he shouted sorry and jumped on the train. Catching his breath Harry began to walk down the train looking for somewhere to sit. After looking in each compartment, Harry noticed they were all full. Though he had seen Ron and Hermione in one but they were accompanied by Ginny. Harry didn't want to spend the whole ride being touched up and flirted by Ginny so he chose not to join them. Harry groaned at not having a seat but got comfortable standing in front of a window. He didn't mind standing up for the whole eight hour journey but it was his legs that would complain.
Harry spent an hour enjoying the view but his legs soon began to ache. And his sprained ankle he was standing on didn't help much either. But he had to deal with it. He weren't in the mood for Ginny.

'Mr. Potter, what are you doing standing out in the corridor? Are the rules of no standing in the middle of the corridor not meant for you?' Harry heard a familiar voice say. Harry bit his lip in annoyance. Of course it was Snape's turn to petrol the train this year.

'No sir, and I'm sorry. I was just wanting a better view of outside. It's not great in the compartments.' Harry answered as he turned to face the Professor.

'I'm sure it is. Please hurry up and return to your compartment.' He mumbled before carrying on along the corridor.

'Everywhere is full.' Harry quickly said.

'And is the compartment with your two friends and girlfriend not big enough to fit you?' Snape said as he turned back to Harry with a raised eyebrow. He also spat the word girlfriend, which confused Harry a ton.

'It is big enough. And Ginny isn't my girlfriend. I just don't want to be touched up and hit on by her all the way through the journey.' Harry mumbled. Snape gave him a curious glance before sighing.

'Come with me.' He said before turning back around and walking away. Harry tried his best to catch up with him but could only walk slowly, his ankle was killing him.
'Hurry up would you.' Snape growled before glancing back at Harry. Though he paused as he saw the young man limping.

'Sorry Professor.' Harry mumbled as he tried to catch up. Though he hadn't noticed Snape had stopped and stumbled back as he quickly came to a stop. Snape caught him and made sure he was steady.

'It's fine. Why are you limping?' Snape questioned. He felt Harry tense up under his hands since he was still holding the young mans shoulders, making sure he wouldn't full.

'I sprained my ankle.' Harry answered.

'And you didn't think about going to saint mungos to get it healed? And how did you sprain it?' Snape pushed the full answer out of him.

'Didn't have time. And... I fell off my bed and landed funny on it.' Harry replied.

'Yes, I'm sure you were to busy being pampered.' Snape rolled his eyes and began walking again.

'I wasn't being pampered.' Harry growled.

'I'm sure.' He rolled his eyes as he stopped in front of his own compartment and let Harry in. Harry limped in and sat down next to the window and looked out of it. Snape sat down in front of him and read his book.

'Why does everyone think I'm a pampered spoilt brat?' Harry mumbled. 'Even my friends think it. It's why Ginny clings to me. She just wants money and gifts.'

'Maybe because you might be.' Snape scoffed. Though he does it quietly since he knew there was more behind Harry's question.

'Ugh! I'm not pampered, I'm not spoilt and I may seem like a brat to you but i'm not!' Harry cried frustrated.

'10 points...' Snape spat but he was interrupted.

'Yes from Gryffindore. I wasn't finished. You want to know the truth about my ankle. I got it from being pushed down the stairs. Pushed.' Harry snapped.

'Oh that's just a bit of rough playing around.' Snape said through clenched teeth.

'It was on purpose! I didn't make breakfast on time! So the punishment was a rough shove down the stairs!' Harry said as he began to tear up. Snape went to say something but he realised he had no words against what the young man had said.

'What do you mean? Why are you the one cooking breakfast and why did you get such punishment?' Snape asked.

'Because they hate me. They hate our kind. I'm a worthles freak to them.' Harry sniffled. 'And that punishment, was nothing against the others.' Harry chuckled coldly as he pulled up his sleeve. 'This,' he said pointing to a large mark. 'Is the result of my arm being pressed on a boiling hot stove. I forgot to do a chore.' Harry then lifted up his top and pointed to a scar on his sides.
'This was from repeatedly being chuckled against the wall. And onto broken glass...'

Severus watched as Harry showed more and more scars, bruises and injuries. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The young man had been abused all his life and he didn't know. No one knew by the sounds of it. Severus then felt a new emotion, one he hadn't had for years. He wanted to murder the Dursleys. He wanted to make them pay for harming the young man he had seen grow through Hogwarts. Harming the man he had grown some feelings for but hid them.

By now Harry was sobbing and hiding his face in his hands. Severus' heart clenched and he moved to sit next to him. He wrapped his arms around the sobbing young man and let him cry. Though Harry stiffened at the gesture.
'It's okay, just cry.' Harry listened as Severus hummed a tune and he couldn't help but melt into the hug. He hid his face on Severus' chest and began to cry again.
Harry loved the feeling of the older man hugging him. He couldn't believe he had just spilled his guts about his home life and now he was being comforted by the man he had grown to like. Harry wrapped his arms around the mans waist and got comfortable as he cried.
Severus held him closer if possible. "I like this. Maybe I shouldn't hide my feelings any longer." He thought to himself. Severus soon felt Harry go limp and realised he had fallen asleep. Severus sighed and put a notice me not charm on his compartment. Severus got himself comfy and accioed his book into his hand.
Thinking about doing a smut next, tell me what ship you'd like to read.

Hope you enjoyed,

Sincerely Izzy.

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