Family gathering.

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I know this and version two were separate one shots already but they were getting a bit lonely for views😂.
So I'm putting them in here and hopefully there views will increase.
And I know this is in the drarry section of the one shots but it is not drarry.
Dear family member,

I have recently come along my family tree and I have discovered it is huge! Many letters like this are going to every single person that is alive on the family tree, so that includes you.

I am hosting a family gathering at Potter Manor.
Each family member is welcome whether they were on the light or dark side of the war. It's about time we moved on from it don't you think. It's been fifteen years already.

This is a formal event so please wear your best suits and dresses. Dinner will be served.
It will be held on the 22nd of August, which is tomorrow. It starts at four in the afternoon.
There might be two or three muggles but they are family. Yes they know about us because I lived with them.

You may use my fireplace to enter or the front gate where my lovely wife will greet you.
I hope to see you there,

Harry James Potter.

Harry smiled at the letter and duplicated it to the amount needed and waved his wand over it, letting all of them disappear. Harry sighed as he got off his chair.
'Boys! Lily!' Harry shouted and a few seconds later the three came in.

'What do you want dad?' James - Harry's oldest son- asked.

'I have recently come across our family tree. And it's been fifteen years since the war and it's about time everyone got together and forgot about the past. So tomorrow we're hosting a party that everyone single alive family member on the tree will come here. Whether they were on the light or dark side of the war. I need you three to help with decorations, food and my outfit. You know I'm terrible with clothes.' Harry chuckled. At this Lily squealed.

'I'm picking your outfit.' She giggled.

'I'm helping mum with the food.' James laughed.

'I'm helping with the decoration. Salazar knows your terrible at that as well.' Albus smirked. 'Is Scorpius coming then?' He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

'I hope so.' Harry sighed. 'I hope his father can ignore our past because I certainly can.'

'Well then, what are we waiting for?!' Albus laughed as he ran out of the room. James went after and Lily smirked at Harry.

'Lets get this over with shall we?' Harry sighed. He was might regret letting his twelve year old daughter pick his outfit. She squealed and grabbed his hand, dragging him to his wardrobe.


'Is all the food ready hun?' Harry asked as he entered the kitchen. They had two hours until everyone would show up.

'Almost.' Ginny sighed.

'Mum, I don't need you to watch me anymore. Go get ready.' James said. Ginny kissed his forehead and ran out of the kitchen.

'What's left to do?' Harry asked his son.

'I just need wait for the last bit of the main course to come out then I have to wash a few bits up.' James answered as he checked the food in the oven.

'Your such a good cook.' Harry smirked and ruffled his hair.

'Nooo dad. I have to brush it again now.' James whined. 'And I know I am, I get it from you.'
Harry chuckled at him before saying goodbye to try and find his other son.
He soon found him in the ballroom.

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