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Harry struggled against the hands that gripped his arms.
'Let me go!'

'Not a chance Potter,' one of the death eaters spat. They were dragging him along a short walkway that lead to a large manor being guarded by more death eaters.
'You can't just come to this manor and expect not to be captured. What do they teach you at Hogwarts?'

'I've come to talk to your Lord! Let me go! You can have my wand if you don't trust me!' Harry yelled with frustration.

'Exactly we don't trust you. Like we're going to try and take your wand. You'll hex us as we take it.' The other said. Harry watched as the guards opened the doors for them. Harry continued to try and get out of their grip but continued to fail.

'You're so stubborn.' Harry let out a sigh of frustration.

'Thank you,' they said in unison.

'You're welcome,' Harry got to say before one of them gripped both his arms whilst the other opened a door and peaked his head through the gap.

'My Lord, we have an unwelcomed guest,' they said.

'Bring them in.' Harry heard a familiar voice call. The death eater opened the door and the one holding Harry pushed him in.

'You don't have to be so violent,' Harry mumbled. He balanced himself and wiped his -used to be clean- robes.

'Harry Potter?' He heard the familiar voice speak again.

'That's me,' Harry said and looked up. 'I came to speak to you, My Lord but these two imbeciles didn't trust me and dragged me along. So I apologise for my now scrunched up robes. I did try to make myself presentable.' Harry growled at the two death eaters behind him.

'Well talk to me then,' the man spoke. The man was none other than Voldemort with his snake like features.

'Well I'd rather speak privately. You can take my wand if you do not trust me,' Harry replied. Voldemort raised his eyebrow at the young man but waved his minions away. They did so quickly.

'I don't need to take your wand,' he said.

'Thank you. Now I have come along with a bit of information that you may want to hear,' Harry sighed.

'And what is this information?' Voldemort asked.

'I think it's better if I show you,' he said before smirking.
'May I approach you oh wise one?' Harry chuckled quietly. Voldemort rolled his eyes at his childish behaviour.

'Yes, yes. Just get on with it,' he mumbled. Harry walked up to him and got a piece of parchment out.

'Be patient, My Lord. Be patient,' he chuckled and handed the parchment to him. Voldemort snatched it from him and read it. Harry raised his hands in surrender and leant on the side of his throne like chair and read over his shoulder.

Birth certificate of Harry James Potter.

Birth parents:
Father- James Potter.
Mother- Lily Potter née Evans.

Godfather- Sirius Black and Remus Black née Lupin.
Godmother- Alice Longbottom née Fortescue.

Creature inheritance(blocked by Albus Dumbledore) (block broken):
Dark neko- sub

Vampire- dom
Name- Tom Riddle

Powers(blocked by Albus Dumbledore) (blocks broken):
-wandless magic
-mind magic
-elemental magic
-death magic
-life magic
-creature speak.

Power level(blocked by Albus Dumbledore) (block broken):

Harry glanced at the frozen man and stood awkwardly waiting for his reaction.
'Would you like me to remove my glamour?' Harry asked quietly.

'Yes please,' Voldemort answered quietly. Harry removed it and stood infront of the man. He had black ears with a white tip along with long black straight hair that reached his hips. He now had a black tail with also a white tip. He was originally 6'4 but was now incredibly smaller at 5'1. His eyes were a piercing avada kedavra green.

Voldemort looked at him and smiled. He raised his own wand and waved it over himself. He now looked like his younger self and much paler. His red eyes darker.

'Have you seriously had that glamour on you the whole time?' Harry chuckled.

'Yes.' He smirked darkly at Harry.

'You look better like this. If you stayed like this no one would question your leadership. But that's just my thinking,' said Harry.

'Yes but it scares the weak ones,' Tom replied.
'Now, what are you doing about him?'

'Well I want nothing to do with him. Like the parchment read, I'm neutral. I want no part in this war. And I'd like to stay here. In return I can give you bits of information I already know,' Harry offered. Tom smiled and nodded.

'That is fine with me,' said Tom. The man reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a black handkerchief. He dropped the cloth onto the floor next to him and transfigured it into another throne like chair. Tom waved his hand from Harry to the chair. Harry chuckled and sat down.

'The question I have is what is happening with the whole mate thing?' Harry asked and looked towards Tom.

'Well... I do hope you'll except me. I most definitely except you my kitten,' Tom whispered in his ear.

'Of course I accept you,' Harry chuckled and faced Tom. The man smiled and kissed Harry on the lips. Harry kissed back quickly.

One shots- Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now