2020 Christmas Special!

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(I know it's late and I'm sorry. I just suck at these Christmas ones. When I said I was going to do a Christmas special I was in the Christmas spirit. I still am but not as much. It's more that I suck at the presents... but anyway, since I want this out asap it's
not checked. Like most of my stuff is currently... (I'm slacking big time)
So here it finally is, hope you enjoy. (I tried doing a bit of everything you guys requested for.))

#Mention of PTSD! I don't know a# #lot about PTSD so I apologise if I# #get something wrong.#

'Tom! Could you get the colour changing lights?! They'll be here soon!' Harry shouted up the stairs of their large house.
-It wasn't big enough to be classed as a mansion or manor. Tom chose this because he wanted to live in a mansion but Harry wanted to live in a house. This place was so they could both get their way. Their relationship was just like that. Either they both got their way or their was no way at all, and that's how they kept their "weird" relationship healthy.-

'Here they are honey,' Tom mumbled as he came down the stairs seconds later.
'Why do we have to change the lights again?'

'Because they think I've gone dull,' Harry started as he brang the lights to their large Christmas tree.
'I am not dull. I still go full out on Christmas. More then they do. Call me dull *pfft* bloody hypocrites.'

Tom shook his head in amusement and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. Knowing full well if he tried helping with the lights, he'd be missing some fingers.
'Calm down honey. I know you're not dull. You prove that every night.'
Harry grew smirk as he finished off the lights.

'Yeah I do,' Harry purred, turning around in Tom's arms, snaking his arms through Tom's and wrapping them around the taller and not much older man.
-the stupid idiot took a de-aging potion after he came back from the dead... again. No one knew how though, not even Tom.
Harry wanted him to return to his actual age but Tom took a de-aging that done the proper job and had no antidote. He was now ten years older then Harry. Severus Snape held the fact that he was older over Tom for years.-
Harry pulled them together and got on his toes so he could kiss Tom.
Tom moved one hand to Harry's head and the other to the ravens left arse cheek. Tom squeezed Harry's butt and Harry lifted his left leg up, letting Tom move his hand to the back of Harry's knee to hold the leg up.

'Kids! Stop running! Hu- oh my!' The two quickly pulled apart and looked behind them to see Hermione Weasley and her two kids. All three staring at Tom and Harry in shock.

'Oh My Salazar!' Harry gasped when he noticed he still had the white lights in his hands. He quickly rushed up the stairs, apologising to Hermione and her kids on the way, and went to the attic to put them away. When he came back, he saw a funny sight. Tom, Hermione, and her kids were all still frozen and Ron, Neville, Fred and George were all staring at them in confusion. Fred noticed Harry and he raised an eyebrow.
'Oh uh, they caught us in a... awkward situation,' Harry answered. Three of the men burst out laughing. Ron, on the other, was glaring at Harry.

'What did my kids see?' Ron growled going past his family and towards Harry.

'Ron calm down, they didn't see much, we were just kissing and my leg may have been lifted. That's it!' Harry explained quickly, going up the stairs backwards as Ron continued to get closer.

'They better not have seen more other wise you're a dead man Harry!' Ron warned. Harry put his hands up in surrender and smiled the best he could at Ron.

'Ronald, calm down, leave my raven alone,' Tom said as he joined the two, putting an arm around Harry's waist.

'He won't be the only dead man,' Ron said, turning his glare to Tom. The man raising his hands up in too.

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