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(It's kinda longish. Mention of still borns and miscarriages so don't have to read this if you don't want to.)

Drarry, Severitus

Harry paced the room he was in nervously. So many thoughts in his head. Should he do this? Was he ready to show that emotion? What if he said no?
'Harry, love. Calm down,' a voice sighed.

'I can't Draco! What if he says no huh?!' Harry snapped. Harry shut his mouth instantly and walked over to his lover and got on his knees to place his head on the blondes lap.
'I'm sorry, Dray. I'm worried and stressed but that is no excuse for snapping. I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way.'

'It's fine love. It's perfectly normal for this to happen. The weddings happening in two days and you have the most important decision in your life to make,' Draco said as he stroked the ravens now tamed hair.

'Second most important,' Harry mumbled as he looked at Draco's hand that held an engagement ring.

'Alright smarty pants. Second most important decision. But I'm sure he'll say the same thing I said with the first most important decision.' Draco chuckled.

'What, "let's talk else where"?' Harry snickered.

'Hey! As much as I loved the whole street mob proposal thing, you know how much I hate being in public. And it went well the second time round, I got to ask that time.
I'm surprised I'm marrying you in front of such a large crowd. But you had to go and have a large family.' Draco mumbled.

'I'm sure they love you too Draco,' Harry laughed.
'But I can't wait to go and expand that family.'

'I'm not sure. Since I'm bottom I'm the carrier. Ouch.' Draco said as he subconsciously rubbed his stomach.

'How about, if we want a second I'll carry?' Harry offered.

'Sounds great but remember, since you're top the potion may not accept you leading to more of a chance of miscarriage. Do you want to risk that? I mean... I've already had to experience that and it still hurts. I know you hurt as well but it would hurt more next time,' Draco sighed.

'How about we both take the potion next time?' Harry asked.
'One of us is sure to have a child then ' Draco knew how much Harry wanted kids and he wanted kids just as much so of course, he nodded.

'Of course love,' Draco smiled.

'I hope I'm not intruding,' a voice startled them. They both looked up -and around in Harrys case- to see Severus Snape.

'Severus!' Harry cheered as he got up and rushed to the man. Severus chuckled and opened his arms prepared.
'I'm glad you came.'

'I'm sure. Is this what it's about? Do you want me to start making the potion?' Severus asked carefully. He knew it was a touchy subject. Draco had tried before, they were going to have twins but... one was a miscarriage and the other... still born. They both had been torn to shreds. He wasn't sterile, neither of them were. They had checked that before hand.

'Yes but that wasn't why we wanted you here,' Draco smiled as he walked over and hugged the man.

'Very well, what have I been brung here for then?' Severus smiled at them both. Harry grew worried again and started pacing. 'Harry, what's wrong?' The man asked as he became worried at the sight.

'Nothings wrong Sev...' Draco sighed and he walked over and hugged his fiance. 'You can do it Harry come on. Where's that Gryffindor courage we all know you have?'

'Okay, I can do this,' Harry breathed.

'Yes you can,' Draco smiled more as he pecked the man's cheek and pulled away from the hug so Harry could face the oldest adult in the room.

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