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(Carries on from the Guna one shot but different point of view. Obviously. Oh and I apologise about how short this will be.)

Seamus woke up on February 14th feeling giddy for some unknown reason. He sat up and dragged his feet out of bed. Rubbing his eyes, he walked over to his trunk. He pulled out an outfit and walked tiredly to the bathroom.

He jumped in shower and gave himself a quick wash. As he got out, he stood on something weird. He looked down to see a rose petal. His eyebrow raised as he followed the trail with his eyes, they lead put of the bathroom.
'Oh! It's Valentine's day!' With that realisation in his mind he dried himself off, brushed his hair and pulled on his all black outfit. He had a turtleneck top and jeans for his pants, along with a leather jacket and normal laced trainers. He also had a black bowlers hat and black sunglasses in his jacket pocket. Once he was done, he followed the trail cautiously. Right before the door to the dorm corridor sat a lone rose -the stem thornless- with a note attached to it. Seamus picked up and took the note of it before reading it.

Morning Seamus, leave the room would you.

Seamus' curiosity took over him and he opened before rushing out of the room. There were more rose petals and they lead him to the stairs. At the top of the stairs there was another lone rose with a note. He picked it up and took the note off and read it.

Now come to the common room.

Seamus put the note in his other jacket pocket and jogged down the stairs. The rose petal trail carried on and Seamus followed it with his eyes. His eyes widened when he saw Ginny at the end of the trail with two roses and a note. He hesitantly walked over with a nervous smile.
'Look, Ginny,' Seamus started. 'You're pretty and all but I've got a boyfriend. You should know th-'

'You don't like me do you?' Ginny mumbled, her face growing a frown.

'Not like that, I apologise.' Seamus mumbled.

'Great because I don't fancy you in the slightest. I'm very much a lesbian. Now take the roses and here's a note,' Ginny chuckled and passed them over. Seamus sighed in relief and took them. He put the four roses together and read the note over.

Go to where you confessed your sexuality to all your friends.

Seamus raised both his eyebrows and said goodbye to Ginny. He thought about the place and quickly rushed down to the entrance hall. He spotted Ron in the very corner with three roses and a note. Seamus walked over to him whilst put the note from Ginny on his pocket with the rest. Ron grinned at him as he passed them over. Seamus smiled in thanks and read the note.

Go to your seat at the Gryffindor table.

Seamus said goodbye and entered the Great Hall. He walked over to his seat to find a vase with four roses and a picture basket. On top of the basket was a chocolate heart and a note. He picked the note and, like every other time, read it.

Go to the courtyard, bring the basket and the vase with you. You can eat the chocolate. 

Seamus put the seven roses that had gavered his hand into the vase and ate the chocolate before picking up the vase and basket. Seamus grinned at two red heads as he passed them. The Weasley twins had come back to re-do their N.E.W.T.S. Their mother was apparently smiling so much at them with pride her cheeks hurt.
Seamus left the castle and entered the school courtyard. Seamus looked around and spotted Hermione and Pansy. Pansy was holding five roses and Hermione held a note. Seamus approached them with an innocent smile.

'Hey girls, mind telling me what's going on?' Seamus asked.

'Nope,' Pansy smirked as she put the roses into the vase.

'Sorry Seamus,' Hermione chuckled as she passed over the note. Seamus pouted and grabbed the note with his fingers.

Go to where I asked you to be my boyfriend.

Seamus put the note in his pocket and said goodbye to the girls before he walked away. Seamus eventually spotted the lake and looked around. He was about to give up when he spotted a tall dark man. The man was wearing a dark red turtleneck and black skinny jeans far too tight on his body along with black plain ankle boots. He didn't have a hat but he did have sunglasses. Speaking of sunglasses, Seamus slid them on before running over to the tall dark man, whom was holding seven roses, one being really big compared to the rest.

'Dean what the hell is going on?' Seamus chuckled as he reached him.

'Not much. I'm glad you showed up, I was getting slightly worried,' Dean smiled down at him.

'You couldn't keep me away,' Seamus smiled back. 'But seriously, what's with the roses and notes?' he huffed. Dean smiled before putting the seven roses in the vase. The larger rose going into the middle of the roses.

'Well, we've been together for about four years now...' Dean started and put the objects gavered in Seamus' hand on the floor. 'I know we've only just turned twenty but...'

'Dean?' Seamus gasped as the man got down on one knee.

'As each say goes by, I learn more and more about you and I love every single damn quirk and flaw you have. Including the kinks,' Dean purred the last part. 'I love you Seamus Finnigan and I know I don't come from much but would you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?' Dean pulled out a ring box from behind him and opened it up. Inside was golden ring with a small ruby griffin engraved into it.

'I... yes!' Seamus grinned and jumped on top of Dean, knocking the man down as he kissed him passionately.

'Mmm,' Dean moaned into the blissful kiss. Season pulled away and rest one arm on Dean's chest as he brang his other one up and wriggled his engagement finger. Dean chuckled and slid the ring on.

'You know I panicked when I saw Ginny with a rose,' Seamus mumbled, making Dean laugh.
'So when's the wedding?' Seamus grinned. 'I want it as soon as possible so we can go on a honeymoon.'

'It's great I've gotten to know you well. The wedding is right before the graduation ceremony,' Dean smirked.

'Ohh that's so close!' Seamus grinned.

'Yeah it is,' Dean replied. A smirk grew on his face as he nicked Seamus' hat and placed it on his head.

'Give me back my hat!' Seamus laughed.

'Get off of me so we can have this picnic,' Dean laughed back.

'Mmm, not hungry for food,' Seamus whispered into Dean's ear before he placed a chaste kiss on the man's lips. 'I'm hungry for you,' Seamus said before devouring the taller man's mouth.

'If it's me you're hungry for... it's me you're going to get,' Dean growled as he rolled them both over so he was on top of Seamus.

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