Celebration Party

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Harry sat at the long table, chatting with his friends and eating his breakfast. This morning he had a... different aura around him. He was happy, relaxed and not quiet. His appearance was different too. His hair was looking more cared for, he was practically glowing and their was this thing called a smile attached to his face. If people weren't completely innocent, or oblivious, they would know exactly why. However, the Gryffindor house was known for being oblivious. It took an incredible dirty mind for a Gryffindor to notice.
'So Harry, you seem rather happy, why is that? Especially since we have our last N.E.W.T.S today.' Ron questioned.

'Uh... exactly Ron. Our last N.E.W.T.S.' Harry chuckled nervously.

'Well, if you putting it that way, we need to celebrate after they're all done,' Ron grinned.

'We can have a party in the R.O.R, for everyone in our year. I'm sure if we ask McGonagall nicely she'd let us,' Hermione smirked.

'Yeah... maybe you should ask, we might slip up,' Ron mumbled. Harry nodded in agreement. Hermione rolled her eyes and called McGonagall over. Their headmistress walked over to them with a smile.

'What can I help you with?' She asked.

'Well, it's the last of everyone's N.E.W.T.S today in our year and a two days before we leave. We were wondering, after they're all done... if we could have a celebration/goodbye party in the R.O.R?' Hermione asked. McGonagall looked like she was about to say a harsh no before she began laughing at their faces.

'Of course you can,' she smirked. 'Don't go into the teachers lounge after you've finished your exams. Oh and it is a stressful day. Hope you get enough break time in between the exams,' McGonagall said before walking back to the teachers table. The three looked at each other with a grin. Ron's eyes caught something and he looked up and towards the great hall doors.

'Hey, why is Malfoy limping?' He asked to his best friend and girlfriend.
Harry glanced at the blonde before looking at his food with a small smirk planted on his face.

'No clue, ask him. He's coming over here,' Hermione said.

'Why?' Ron frowned.

'Oh I don't know Ron, we're not sitting at a table for all eighth years or anything,' Hermione said, her voice strongly laced with sarcasm.

'Oh, I forgot about that,' Ron said, as he smiled sheepishly.

'Hey guys,' Malfoy said as he reached them. Harry budged over slightly so the blonde could sit. The blonde smiled thankfully and slowly lowered himself onto his seat, wincing slightly as he did.
'How's your morning been so far?'

'Oh, we have some news but we have to wait until all eighth years are here,' Hermione grinned excitedly.

'Okay...' Malfoy chuckled, as he began piling food onto his plate. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a gulp. He sighed in bliss as the coffee entered him. He desperately needed that.

'So, Malfoy, why are you limping?' Ron asked as Malfoy took another gulp of his coffee. The blonde coughed as he inhaled his drink.

'Yeah Draco, why you limping?' Harry smirked at him, as he rested his elbow on the table and put his chin on his hand. Draco glared at Harry before he looked at the other two who were waiting for an answer.

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