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(Dumbledore is alive. Tom Riddle is a friend of Severus and Lucius and works at Hogwarts. Lily and James were caught in the middle of this large fight. Harry can speak Parseltongue because I want him to. Males can get pregnant in the wizarding world because of fanfiction logic.
Harry and Lucius have known each other since Harry's first year at Hogwarts -through his and Draco's friendship-. Their attraction towards each other didn't become noticeable to either of them until Harry's sixth year. They didn't act on their feelings until a year after Hogwarts.
I apologise but I cannot be asked to edit or grammar check this all. It has 9365 words! Like no mate, I'm sorry. So if there are grammar mistakes, just tell me so I can correct them at a later tim. Thank you, hope you enjoy!😁)

'Lucius, we can't do this anymore!' Harry cried.

'Why not?' Lucius frowned as he moved from the position they were in. Harry looked around the rented muggle hotel room trying to not let any tears fall.
'Why Harry?'

'We just can't Lucius,' Harry whispered.

'Tell me why?' Lucius begged.

'You're married! You have a son! I don't like being apart of an affair! The guilt is drowning me!' Harry shouted, the tears now unfortunately falling.

'Harry, the marriage was a contract. I can divorce her. My son would be happy to know I've left his mother. Please... I can't lose you,' Lucius said.

'We're not doing anything else until you've left her,' Harry replied.

'Of course!' Lucius grinned.
'Wait... can we at least finish what we started today and then we do that?' Harry rolled his eyes and sat on Lucius' bare lap.

'Fine, but I'm taking some control in this,' Harry huffed.

'Whatever you say darling,' Lucius smirked. Harry grabbed Lucius' cock and angled it and himself. Once in place, Harry dropped down on it. Lucius fell back and let out a groan. Harry chuckled before repeating the action. Once he got a rhythm going, Harry moved his hands to Lucius' waist so he could bounce himself better. It wasn't long till Harry came but it took ten minutes for Lucius to.

Harry let a tear run done his face. That was nine months ago. Harry currently laid in a hospital bed waiting for his contractions to start. He had become pregnant from their last moments together. He hadn't heard from Lucius since. And there definitely wasn't anything in the newspapers saying he and Narcissa had divorced. Harry felt used... broken... alone. Was he just some toy for Lucius? A toy to play with every now and then for two years before becoming boring and useless? Even if he wasn't, he sure felt like it right now.

Harry's thinking was cut short when he felt pain.
'Ahhh!' Harry screamed out, alerting the medi-witches and wizards that his contractions had began. A man in his late thirties and a woman in her early fifties came rushing into the room and to either side of him.

'Try and breath through the pain Mr. Potter,' the man said and he let Harry grip his hand. Harry nodded and done so.

'Ahhh!' Harry cried our as another contraction happened.

'We need to get him in surgery now, his contractions are becoming more frequent,' the woman said. The man nodded and unlocked the bed Harry was on. Harry watched the ceiling move as he screamed through the pain with thoughts rushing through his head.
Why had my life turned out this way? No friends or family to help me through this. No partner by my side to say everything was going to be okay. What had I done to deserve this? I guess what the Dursleys said about me was true. Maybe I do deserve this. Just how I deserved all the beatings and burns they gave me. I'm a freak. A nobody. No one wants me. No one needs me. I'm a waste of space in this world.

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