Astronomy Tower

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A/N similar scene to first one shot.



Harry sat on the edge of the tower and looked into the dark abyss people called the night sky.
What he could give to be up there was crazy. Well he would have already given it already but others would ruin any chance of that. His every movement was watched now. They all knew something would happen shortly.
Harry looked down at the ground as he wished he could fall right now.
Though he almost did when a random voice spoke.

'What are you doing up here, Mr. Potter?' A cold voice echoed through the almost empty tower.

'Mindin-' Harry stopped himself.
'I needed the fresh air. Sorry, Professor Snape. I'll go back to my tower,' Harry said and went to stand up.

'I never said you had to go. I came out here for fresh air too,' Severus sighed and sat in front of Harry on the edge, both sitting with their legs tucked to their chests.

'Okay,' Harry mumbled before looking back up at the sky.

'Did you have a nightmare or something?' Severus asked quietly.

'Why? You going to make fun of me?' Harry scoffed quietly. Severus sighed as he looked down in shame.
'Sorry,' Harry mumbled as he glanced at Severus.

'It's okay I deserve that. I know I haven't been the nicest...' Severus started.

'That's an understa... sorry carry on.' Harry said, as he shook his head, annoyed at his rubbish self-control.

'It's fine. I haven't been the nicest and I apologise. I'm just starting to get past an old grudge against your father. I've been stupid holding it. But us Slytherins tend to hold grudges a long time.' Severus chuckled.

'I know, I keep one too.' Harry smirked as he saw a confused look on the Professor's face.
'I was supposed to be in your house... but I talked the sorting hat out of it.'

'I could see you as a Slytherin. And persuading the sorting hat to do such thing just proves it.' Severus smiled. Harry looked at the smile and melted. As he noticed his stomach doing weird things he turned away.

'Thanks I guess,' Harry answered.

'You're welcome...' Severus saaod and smirked when he saw the blush on Harry's face.
'So... you feeling a bit flooded with all the pressure placed upon you?'

'Just... a lot,' Harry laughed coldly.

'I know how you feel. I've recently been flooded with it too.' Severus sighed.

'How so?' Harry asked as he looked at him. Severus looked into Harry's eyes.

"He deserves to know," he thought to himself.
'Don't panic when I say this. I don't want you falling. Dumbledore and another person, set me a task. I tried talking my way out of it but this time I couldn't. For both people.'

'What is it, Professor?' Harry asked, getting concerned.

'You-know-who asked Draco to kill Dumbledore. Draco can't do it. I know he can't. He never wanted to join him anyway. His mother and me made an unbreakable vow. I would do it for him if he can't. Dumbledore... he was foolish enough to touch the Gaunt ring. It was another horcrux. He is now slowly dying. He has ordered me to finish him off when Draco tries. He doesn't know about the unbreakable vow I made. But he's made me do it anyway,' Severus answered.

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