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Harry finished with his patient and made his way to the staff room. He saw one of his best friends and made his way over to the refreshments. 'Hey Lucinda.' He smiled as he made himself a coffee.

'Hi Harry. What interesting stuff have you discovered today?' She smirked. He always seemed to get the interesting patients.

'Not much apart from this older woman. She had fallen onto her back really hard causing a fracture on her ribs. It was healed quickly and she couldn't stop thanking me for saving her life. Oh and then she went on to thank me for saving the wizarding world. I mean it's been twenty years.' Harry sighed and Lucinda laughed at him. 'It's not funny. Anyway... who's bringing the special herbs today?'

'Neville.' Lucinda smirked at him. He went to open his mouth but she interrupted him. 'Yes you can pick them up. I'll take your patient.' She laughed. Harry grinned at her and finished his coffee. He kissed her cheek and rushed off.

'You're the best Lucinda!' He said before disappearing.

'I know I am.' She sung to herself.
Harry rushed to the delivery room as fast as he could. He eventually got there and sat on the table near the fireplace. He sorted his robes out to make himself look nice and waited for the delivery. Five minutes later the fireplace lit up and Neville came through. He was holding a cardboard box. He saw Harry and smiled. He placed the box on the table right before he got cornered to the wall.

'Hi Mr. Potter.' Harry whispered.

'Hi honey. Did Lucinda tell you I was bringing the delivery again?' Neville chuckled and gave Harry a kiss.

'Maybe... you're ruining the moment.' Harry pouted.

'Am not. Plus, I can set the mood better later.' Neville smirked. Harry raised his eyebrow at him and crossed his arms. 'I'm forgetting something aren't I?'

'Yep. Come on Neville think.' Harry chuckled. Neville scrunched his eyebrows together and thought hard. His eyes then lit up.

'Oh yeah we have to pick up the twins. There coming back home. I cannot believe they have finished Hogwarts.' Neville grinned.

'That's it.' Harry laughed. 'Oh speaking of the children. How's this one doing today?' Harry asked as he cupped Neville's stomach.

'Oh they're doing fine.' Neville chuckled.

'That's good. Thought of any names?' He mumbled as he bent down and lifted his shirt up to kiss his stomach. Neville smiled at the action.

'Nothing's changed about the ones I have.' Neville answered.

'Yay!' Harry cheered as he stood back up. 'I really like Lily Luna Alice Longbottom-Potter if it's a girl.'

'I still think the last names should be the other way round.' Neville pouted.

'Why? It's funny when people try to say it.' Harry smirked.

'Is that the only reason?' Neville laughed.

'No, your the mother so you're more important. You go first.' Harry smiled.

'What is it with you and giving long names though? You named the twins Albus Severus James Longbottom-Potter and Sirius Remus Frank Longbottom-Potter.' Neville replied.

'I don't know. I just wanted everyone to be remembered. I would have put Ron, Hermione, Fred..., George... and so on in their names but they're already long enough.' Harry sighed.

'I know you miss Fred... if we end up having a boy we can name them Fred.' Neville answered.

'Yay. Thanks sweet.' Harry replied and kissed Neville again before saying hello to their little baby. As he was talking to the baby they heard the fireplace go again. They looked towards it and saw a familiar blonde come out.
'Oh hey Draco.' Harry said standing up.

'Hey lovebirds. Brang some of the things you wanted for the medicine.' He said as he placed a box onto the table next to the other box.

'Thanks. You want to come with us to pick up the kids. I'm sure our sons are sitting together.' Neville smirked.

'Yeah can't wait to get my ear chewed off when Scorpius tells me about your twins. Why won't they go out yet? It's killing me.' Draco whined.

'Hey at least you haven't got two kids talking about your kid non stop. Try doubling the ear chewing. And I think my boys are doing it soon. How's your little Lucy doing?' Harry asked.

'Oh she's good. But she gave us a little surprise the other day. She's a metamorphmagus.' He grinned.

'Oh my lord. That's incredible Draco.' Harry and Neville said in unison.

'I know. My little angel is so magical already.' Draco sighed. 'And yeah I'll come with you two.'

'Great have you two finished your shifts?' Harry asked looking at them both.

'Yeah.' Neville and Draco said together.

'I've just got to sign everything then I'll be back. You two can wait in the little cafe around the corner. I shouldn't be long.' Harry said before disappearing out of there.
I really want to make this one shot a story now😂.

Hope you enjoyed,

Sincerely Izzy.

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