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Neville lent against the wall with a huge amount of anxiety eating away at him whilst he waited for his best friend. It was Valentine's day. Why Neville was nervous he had no clue. It's not like the twins liked him. Not in that way at least...

Neville had been over the moon when he was told they were coming back to re-do their N.E.W.T.S. But they've been ignoring him all week so he was pulled dramatically down to earth. His heart in pieces. Yeah... he may or may not have developed a ton of feeling for the almost identical red heads.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the familiar long hair of his best friend. Neville pushed away from the wall and joined her.
'Neville, why so nervous?' Luna smirked.

'You know why Lu, they've ignored me all week,' Neville pouted.

'Why on earth would they do that?' Luna asked, acting innocently.

'Luuuuuu,' Neville whined.

'What?' Luna once again asked, acting innocently.

'You know I don't know, and you asking me... again, is going to leave me wondering all day,' Neville replied. Luna chuckled lightly.

'Well, try talking to them today,' Luna said.

'I can't do that,' Neville frowned.

'Why not?' Luna questioned, now she was confused.

'They've obviously been planning something for their Valentine's. I can't get in the way of them telling some lucky girl,' Neville sighed. Luna looked at him with a "really" face and he didn't understand why.

'Neville, whom ever they're trying to tell, is definitely not a girl,' Luna said.

'How can you be so certain they're gay?' Neville questioned.

'I was certain you were gay, I was certain Harry was gay, I was certain Ginny was Bi, I was certain Draco was gay, I was certain Seamus was gay, I was certain Dean was Bi,--' Luna was interrupted by the dirty blonde boy.

'Okay okay I get it, your gayder is excellent. Wait, no it isn't. You said Headmaster Dumbledore was gay. I doubt h--'

'He was Mr. Longbottom and happy Valentine's day.' Neville was interrupted as the Headmistress walked past them and into the Great Hall. Neville's mouth fell open. What the hell! When did she appear?

'Just talk to them Neville,' Luna chuckled before waving goodbye and sitting on her table. Neville pouted and went over to the Gryffindor table as Seamus left with a vase and basket. He sat down in his seat and let out a depressing sigh.

'Why so-'
'Glum Nevy?' Neville jumped at the sound and spun around in his seat. The two red heads he has been thinking about all mornings were standing right in front of him. Both looking hot -in Neville's opinion-.

Fred and George both wore tight arse white t-shirt and black trousers with black blazers with red roses in their left chest pocket and dark red napkins hanging out their right. And because they don't usually were smart clothes like this, for shoes they wore black trainers.
Neville looked at his clothes and inwardly swore at himself for not wearing something... better. He wore a plain baby blue shirt and black jeans with a black hoodie. For shoes he wore the same trainers as the twins.
Neville quickly snapped his head up when what they said, well they way they spoke went through his mind.

'Why are you nervous?' Neville questioned, crossing his arms over. His heart may be broken but he could never hate the two. He could tell when they were nervous or scared because they spoke at the same time or finished each others sentences. Well, they were either nervous or trying to confuse and/or annoy the hell out of someone. So naturally they done it during class. But they weren't in class and they've never wanted to confuse or annoy Neville like that... purposely.

'Reason,' they answered.

'Tell me,' Neville pouted.

'Fine...' they mumbled before glancing at each other.
'We would like-'
'If you would-'
'Give us the greatest honour...' they both looks at each other one last time.
'Of becoming our boyfriend?'
Neville's mouth fell open. They what? B-boyfriend? Me? Oh sweet Merlin this has to be a dream.
'Neville?!' The twins shouted, snapping Neville away from his thoughts.

'W-What?' Neville asked.

'Yes or no?' They both mumbled.

'Uhhh... I... um,' was his logical answer. Anyone within ear shot literally face palmed at his reaction. Next bit his lip and decided that speaking wasn't the right way to go about this. Plucking up all his Gryffindor courage, Neville stood up and went on his tip toes to bring them down and planted a kiss on both their lips. Neville could distinctively hear cat calls and an applause.

'Frickin hell Neville, you know how to kiss,' Fred laughed as he wrapped an arm around Neville's waist. George copying.

'Well... uh, thank you?' Neville stumbled over his words. Fred and George chuckled at him before placing a kiss on his cheeks. Neville blushed deeply.

'Now, we need to go into Hogsmeed at 11:00. We've reserved a private table for lunch then we're spending the day in London. Muggle and Wizarding world,' George grinned.

'Hmm, so we're going to Diagon Alley?' Neville smirked.

'Yessss,' the two replied, looking at Neville curiously.

'To where your apartment is?' Neville questioned.

'Yes,' Fred answered.

'So, we can spend some time with you giving me a tour of it?' Neville smiled innocently. Fred and George's breathing stilled and their eyes darkened.

'What are you suggesting Nevy?' George asked.

'Oh... you know what I'm suggesting,' Neville purred into their ears.

'Lunch better not take long,' Fred whispered, causing Neville to laugh and rest his head onto Fred's chest.

'You took your bloody time to ask me out,' Neville mumbled. He felt and heard Fred and George chuckle lightly.

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