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You had to note that it was a miracle that you managed to use a genjutsu on Sasuke. Your eyes had hurt terribly after using that though, and Deidara was currently flying in the air with you and Hidan while he wiped the blood away from your eyes. "Takahiro is going to kill me if he sees you crying tears of blood." Deidara complained as he pressed the gauze against your eye with a frown.

"You're always so reckless, what if you get killed, yeah?" He asked, making you scoff. "Deidara, I swear to god. When did you become a mother?" You joked as you punched him in the shoulder and laughed. He turned red and glared at you. "You know, I'd really love to blow you up and all, but you're lucky I have self control." He scrunched his nose up at the last part, as if he was thinking about somebody who didn't have the self control.
"Yes, thank you for not killing me at first sight, sir." You shook your head as you looked down. "But damn, Orochimaru is really trying his best, isn't he?" You sigh, seeing the destruction. You grabbed Deidara's clay and molded some of your chakra into it before throwing it down. "Deidara now!" You ordered, and he jolted up in confusion before he realized what you meant.

He quickly put his hands together. "Katsu!" He yelled, and his bomb exploded, some snow flowing down along with it too, signaling for your group to retreat.

The clay bird began to fly away, and Hidan silently played with your hair that grew out quite a bit, because you never had the time to cut it. He tugged it gently, before looking down at the rather destroyed village. Your eyes led down too as you saw an orange source of light. Your eyes widened as you saw Naruto in his orange incomplete kyuubi mode. Without thinking, you jumped off and pushed down, your feet landing on Naruto's face.

He grabbed your leg and glared square into your eyes, which refused to show emotion. "I won't let you leave again!" He raised his voice, to which you twisted and grasped his shoulder as you two fell further down. "Shut up, Naruto! You will never understand!" You spat as he crashed into the ground, and you managed to jump away.

Although you felt guilty for using him as a cushion like that, as long as you knew he was alive there was no problem. "Y/n!" Deidara shouted as he flew above. You looked up and gave him a thumbs up, signaling for him to stay where he was. You grabbed another bomb and threw it up high, and crouched down as it exploded into black smoke.

"You can't force me back to somewhere I'll just be unhappy." you narrowed your eyes as you glared at him, placing a hand on your eyepatch. "I will, and I'll do my best to understand, so you do your best to stay! I know you don't want this!" he pleaded, desperate. "It's been three years, Naruto, and you don't even know if I'm the same person. Fuck, you don't even know if I was ever even actually your friend!" you spoke back, looking around as the building in the distance collapsed.

"Of course you were! You wouldn't have apologized before you left if you didn't care about us!" he spoke back, only for you to grow frustrated. "SHUT UP!" you shouted, shaking your head as you backed away from him. "It was all just an act, so stop trying to convince me! I know the truth to everything now. There's no going back, and who is to say that I will be forgiven for my actions?" you spat at him.

"If you really want me to come back, then why don't you fight me and force me to stay with you? You're not even at the power to do that. Naruto, you're just weak and have a monster inside of you. Until you tame that monster, you're weak and useless. You're a danger, and you'll die useless." you told him before you slowly pulled your foot back. "I'm in the group that killed Sasuke's father, Naruto. I ordered my groupmate to kill him, and he did. I'm tied to the murderer of Sasuke's father. Open up those damned eyes. I'm a murderer who can't kill with her own hands."

Naruto stared at you in disbelief as if he couldn't believe the words that entered his ears. It didn't surprise you though. What did surprise you though, was that he ran forward, the kyuubi chakra forming around him as he jumped forward to punch you. Your eyes widened, and you immediately activated your sharingan. It was a shame you shouldn't use the susanoo, because it would cause you to bleed from your eyes and badly cough up blood.

You dodged the attack and jumped further back before you twisted and tried to kick him in the side, but he reacted quickly and grabbed your foot, a low growl leaving him.

Maybe you had to use your other eye.

You quickly made hand signs and blew mist at him, to which he just stayed there. That's what anybody would have done, until they would notice the fact that this mist was icy mist that could quite badly hurt your lunges. He seemed to notice a few moments later because he quickly jumped back and snarled, leaving your bleeding leg alone. He had scratched your leg up pretty badly.

The next time he jumped forward, you quickly grabbed the eyepatch and threw it off before you formed a metal bar from your hand, and stabbed it into his shoulder area and penetrated him. He choked out a noise of pain before he reached for his shoulder, but just fell to the ground, and his special chakra disappeared nearly instantly. You stared at him, something weighing down in your stomach, but you quietly leaned down towards him. "Until my friends come back, let's just talk. I won't attack you anymore than I already did, and I'll make sure to leave the rod in so your village can try to study it and so you won't bleed out." you grumbled. "This is called a chakra rod, Naruto, and it messes up your ability to concentrate your chakra, or something." You grumble, patting the rod gently.

"I don't really know myself, and I didn't want to know either." you grumbled. "But on the bright side.." you murmured, thinking. Naruto stared at you in curiosity as he just sat in place. "Actually, you're right. There is no good thing about any of this." you chuckled. "But hey, I met new people," you hum as you felt Deidara's bird land behind you. "And just maybe, I'll be able to save the world, even if you still don't understand why." you smiled widely before you yanked the rod out of his shoulder and threw it onto the ground, and hopped onto the bird.

"You know, you should really try meeting Jiraiya, or tame a toad as a summoning jutsu. I'm saying this genuinely, Naruto. Take my words into consideration." You huffed, staring into his distressed eyes.

"Go." you ordered, and Deidara began to fly off again. You silently tore a piece of cloth off your shirt and wrapped it around your leg, making sure it was tight to stop the blood. "Man, it was like he would have broken my legs to stop me." You rolled your eyes as you saw the cloth slowly turn red, and shifted your foot to make sure it was broken or too badly injured. Once you were sure it was okay, you groaned. "I'll just get healed by Rin." You decided aloud, trying your best to ignore the sudden distant cry of agony you heard from Sasuke as his genjutsu ended.

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