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Oops short chapter sorry))

"That should matter, Y/N! Don't you want everybody to notice how you can fight?" He smiled, remembering his exam. He had to do a third year because first, he failed the second exam, then second he failed the third but finally did it in the third year. How embarrassing that was.
"Ehh, I'm not much in for getting attention from other people. From what I know, the more people know how strong you are, the higher chances of getting in problems." You chuckled as the sunlight hit your face, and you flinched away. The forest had covered up the sunlight so you did not like the sudden light that glared down at you.
Your legs were plagued by pain. "I never want to run again." You grumbled as you pushed yourself to keep up with Obito. He looked so pensive. You couldn't blame him though. There were so many problems popping out suddenly, and nobody really knew how to kill Zetsu but you. You mentally noted that you had to figure out how to get Sasuke's rinnegan. This was so complicated.
If you mattered enough to him, you could always make it seem like you died. That was probably the easiest way anyways. You silently eyed the shadows, feeling intensely watched. "I'm going to head back to the village." You hummed as you turned and smiled at him. "We can talk about it later." You huffed, emphasizing on 'it' so he knew what you were talking about.
He cheerfully nodded and continued his way down the gully, heading to wherever he was planning to go. You didn't know exactly what was happening in life lately, but something was happening.
You walked deeper into the forest, humming rather quietly as you looked around, something telling you you weren't alone. But then again, you could always be imagining this stuff. Deciding to listen to your gut feeling, you took another turn and surely enough, the intense staring continued.
You could think of only two people who would follow you like a complete freak. Zetsu and Kabuto. Maybe Sasuke too but you didn't have to be mean about how he wasn't good with socializing. Silently, you wondered if Sasuke and sakura would ever end up together and huffed in interest at your very own thoughts.
  You sighed, standing still now and suddenly feeling a source of chakra close by. You turned and saw Sasuke standing there, holding a human-like puppet in a strong grasp. "Did you know that this puppet has been following you for awhile now?" He asked blandly, dropping it to the ground. "Oh, that explains why I've felt watched. No, I didn't know this creepy puppet was watching me." You smiled awkwardly at the puppet, kicking it gently,
"How is your taijutsu going?" Sasuke suddenly asked out of the blue, and you lifted your gaze in confusion. "Uhh, you could say so, I'm not the best at it though. Not really too bad either so, I guess it's going normally." You grumbled, in reality, you were probably average or so. You put more strength in jutsu so that was that.
"I'll train you then." He said, stating rather than offering this to you. It sounded like you had no choice whatsoever so you decided to go along with it without any complaints. Little did you know, this was when your body aches started.

You followed him to the hollow and blinked as he helped you with your stances. "Don't use any extra energy than needed. There's no point in that." He huffed, quietly kicking your leg forward in an easier position for you. "You look tense." Sasuke commented as he leaned closer to you, pushing your shoulders down a bit as he tried to help you with how stiff you were.
You took a deep breath and oddly felt embarrassed, face tainted with a hue of pink as you flushed with sudden shyness. Who knew he would ever have offered to help you with training.

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