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You sat in the base, staring into the corner of the cave. Three months since your last meeting with Obito, and a month since the war against amegakure and Konoha galore. As expected, a Pein was losing. You haven't gotten any information since the first day, but the most accurate guess would be that Konoha would win.

You lifted your head, realizing you had been zoning out for awhile now. A soft huff left you as you pushed yourself up and turned to Takahiro, who was studying a scroll. "What are you reading?" You asked, curious. "I'm studying the reincarnation jutsu." He responded, pulling out a syringe from his medical box. "I need you to grab a blood sample from everybody." He told you, handing you another box. "Oh, okay." You nodded.

Takahiro quickly pulled your arm out and without a word pulled some blood out, causing you to wince a bit. You quietly shook your arm out as he pulled away, pouring the blood into a small bin and labeling it. He did the same to himself. You stared at him. He had changed so much.

"Takahiro," you called, finding a wall to lean against. "Do you think we'll ever be able to go home?" You asked, causing him to freeze. "Home.." he murmured, frowning for a brief moment before smiling. "Do you want to return home?" He asked, curious as he inspected the blood, trying to distract himself.  "I don't know. I feel like somebody is waiting for me." You admitted.

"I really love this place, though." You murmured.

You began to trot away, deciding to take a look at the konoha village. Your peaceful walk was interrupted by a loud rumbling in the distance. You turned and began to head towards the rumbling. You began to run, having a bad feeling about this.

As you jumped off the tree, you saw a horrifying sight. Itachi leaned on Sasuke, Sasuke's hand going through Itachi's stomach. You felt yourself grow pale by a few tones, and you let out a cry of dismay, causing Sasuke to pull away and pull his arm away from Itachi. The area was destroyed, and Sasuke was bleeding. You didn't care though.

You landed next to Itachi and caught him before he hit the ground. "Itachi," you cried, hugging him tightly. Itachi's breathing was barely even there, and the blood began to puddle at your knees. "I'm.. sorry." Itachi whispered, smiling softly. "Itachi, wait. Please don't do this." You cried harder, tears falling from your eyes.

You knew Itachi was near gone, but you couldn't accept it. Sasuke stood there, looking petrified at what he did to his own brother. You wailed in defeat as Itachi fell and his breath stopped completely. "You promised me you'd take me to eat dango though.." you whispered, hugging him tighter than before, embracing his warmth. "It's like you die in every universe." You whispered, quietly grabbing a kunai, your heart aching at the thought of what you were about to do.

You began the process of removing his eyes, holding back from pulling your hands away from the bloody mess. You wanted to give up.

Once the eyes were in the bottle, you turned to Sasuke. "Here." You whispered, pushing the bottle against his chest. You stared at the ground, unable to hate him at this point. You just sobbed silently and stared at the ground, waiting for him to take the bottle. He just slowly hugged you, to which you hugged back. The defeating silence filled the air, and you eventually heard Sasuke sniff as he hugged you tighter, falling into tears himself.

You sat at the ocean with Sasuke, a hard silence filling the air as you gripped tightly on the scroll you put the corpse in. You wiped the remaining tears away from your face and sighed. "So you chose to kill Itachi, huh?" You whispered, staring down at the ocean as the water rammed against the rocks. You had told him he had a choice and he picked Itachi.

"Danzo sent me to kill him." He responded, eyes filling with hatred. "I had no say in this." He murmured. You stared at him in shock. "He sent you to kill your own brother?" You asked, wanting to make sure. He nodded. You stared at him before standing. "Let's kill him." You blurted, causing Sasuke to look up. "You can't kill him." He objected, standing up and glaring at you.

"Sasuke, he technically killed Shisui and stole his eye, not to mention he has a scary amount of Sharingans just buried in his arm. He's a danger." You snapped, hopping towards Sasuke. "If you won't help me, I'll do it myself. If you try to stop me, I'll just kill you." you narrowed your eyes. He stared at you in shock at your threat and words.

He didn't know himself if he was just scared of you or what, but he simply didn't want to figure it out. He turned away from you, a small and defeated smile making its way onto his lips. "You were never mentally strong, were you" he chuckled, sitting down and staring out into the seemingly endless ocean. You tensed, growing defensive before realizing that he was just joking. You decided to loosen up to him again.

"I am mentally strong." you blurted, causing him to turn to you. "that's just what you tell yourself. How many times have you told yourself that it was all for good?" he asked, turning to you and taking note of your every response. "Everything that comes out of your mouth you don't even think of before speaking. You don't think deeply into anything because that's what that ugly plant encarved into your brain. You're not mentally strong just because you were able to make it this far." he told you, making you think about his words and fall silent.

"Being mentally strong is having the will to move on and actually taking in new considerations. You think you have the will to live, but you have as much as my parents currently do." he scoffed. You winced at his comparison. That hurt you more than you thought it would, especially because you didn't see it coming your way. "And your will to take in consideration? You never actually thought about staying in konoha, did you? From the beginning you knew you were going to leave the village, you just didn't know when. You never even took our words deep down." he said, tossing a rock.

"You're just as naive as Naruto and I were. You act as if you're so much smarter, but you're just.." he pouted, his voice dying off. You stared at him for a moment longer before laughing softly. "That's the most I've heard you talk, damn." you giggled, leaning back. "I guess you're right though. I was so scared of failure that I didn't even take my friend's words into consideration and I just fucked everything up." You sheepishly admitted.

Damn; you felt like you were in some sort of story, stating the theme to the readers, and it felt weird.

"Do you trust me?" Sasuke asked suddenly, turning his head towards you. You paused at his question. "Yes," you responded, knowing well that despite all the things you did to him, you trusted him. "I trust you." You nod, wondering why he was asking such a question, but there was no need for you to ask. "Then let me join your group. I'm stronger than the last time you've seen me. Let me join and I'll help you accomplish your goal." He told you, pulling you up. "In exchange, come back to konoha after your goal is completed." He whispered, causing you to chuckle. "You're interesting." You grinned.

"Those are both more beneficial to you than it is to me, but sure." You smiled. "When my goal is complete, I will come back to the village with you." You him, looking out into the ocean.

That's if I survive, though.


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