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You eyed Obito, sighing in defeat. "You want me to go on a mission with the rock village? For what?" You asked, leaning forward in curiosity. "Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura will go with you, of course. The rock villages is suffering from a missing nin and I'm worried we will suffer because of the rock villages pride. The others won't know the main reason for the mission because they tend to let their tongue slip." Obito chuckled, looking around, pulling out his files of paper and blinking at a paper he pulled out. "Apparently the name of the missing name is Deidara.. a blonde-" "Deidara?" You gasped, nearly jumping forward.

Obito blinked before chuckling with amusement. "I'm only telling you about the mission because I assumed you knew about him in some way. Guessing that my accusation is right, I need you to capture him and do whatever the rock village does with their missing nin." He explained. "Wh- sounds like a suicide mission, Obito. S-rank missing nin who loves explosions. The only way seems like it would be sweet talking him but I don't even know if that's possible. He's at some point insane." You explained.

"But it seems like fun, so I'll just do it." You then added, standing up rather slowly from your seat. "Y/n! This is an S-rank mission! It's not about the fun!" He frowned, worried for you. "Obito, I'll be fine! I passed the exams, so what's the big deal? I'm a chūnin and-" "oh yeah, about that." He cut you off, pulling out a scroll with a wide smile. "Oh crap, did you purposely drop me out? I swear I had friends like that.. I think.." you murmured, staring at his sudden smile with suspicion.

He laughed before shaking his head. "Of course not, Y/n. I declare you as an official jounin. The other high ranked counselors and those weird people agreed to make you a jounin because they were shocked at your knowledge in general." He grinned brightly, amused as he saw you sigh in relief.

"I mean, the person I went against WAS weak so.. yeah." You huffed. It was kind of true though. After Sasuke trained you and nearly cracked your ribs multiple times during training, you improved a lot at taijutsu and then went to the third exam, which your opponent was weak in. You snorted with amusement as you remembered it. You didn't even have to think about using a single high leveled jutsu, because you managed to beat him with taijutsu. You remembered about how he angrily told you he'd get stronger than you.

You didn't say anything back to him. You just raised your chin and jumped away, deciding to let his anger boil. The more anger he had towards you meant the harder he'd try anyways.

Anyways, you sighed. "So, today? Should I gather everybody and just quickly leave so we can hurry up and finish everything?" You asked, huffing as you opened the door and stretched. "Just go now. You're supposed to meet them on the border, so don't cross it and wait behind it. We don't need any unnecessary drama in our lives, so please be smart with this." He nodded, clearly appreciating your help. "Ok, sounds simple." You hummed, stepping out the room and seeing Kakashi who gave you the most judging look you've ever seen as he walked into the office.
You decided to brush the confusion off and just walked away, going for Naruto's apartment first.  He was the closest so it was reasonable, and maybe you two could separate to get Sakura and Sasuke. You mentally noted that you would also have to remind them about specific parts of the mission so nothing was messed up or hurt, especially the pride of the rock village members. That wouldn't end up well.

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