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Quick clarification for my error,
I stated that Sasuke had a mangeyou Sharingan when I was back reading, and I apologize. I meant he had a three tomoe now. Sorry!


You sat on the floor, sighing as Takahiro scolded you about being reckless. Talk about humiliation. "You're not even near finishing your training! You can't just suddenly use your eye when you're in a life dependent situation! This isn't just a story anymore." He frowned. He grabbed your hand; his hand felt oddly cold. "If you die, I will too. I'm not using figurative language in this. If you die, I instantly die too." He told you.
"How does that even work?" You asked in confusion as you lifted your head to eye him. Everybody else was on the other side of the base, arguing over who was strongest. "I don't know, but it's just how it works. I have no problems with it, but just don't die." He shrugged. Standing, you sighed and shook your arms out.

"It's probably her who's strongest." Kisame finally spoke up from the shadows, his weapon in hand. Everybody turned to him. "No fucking way," Hidan laughed. "She was in a life threatening situation two times during the attack, and both times she called for help. If she were strong she would have just fought." He rolled his eyes.

"We don't know what's under that eyepatch she always puts on. If it's just another sharingan, she can just show it because she's already showing one. It has to be something much more important than that." Kisame explained, to which Hidan just scoffed. "It can't be that she's blind in that eye. She just got her eyes replaced." Kakuzu grunted.

"Something just as valuable as a Sharingan would be a byakugan, but I can't think of anything more valuable than those two." Sasori murmured. "But either way, the possibility of her being stronger than us is low. That brat wouldn't need us if she was as strong as that."

You listened into their conversation, a small smile forming on your lips. Of course they wouldn't know. You decided that they could come up with their own conclusion. You turned to Rin who softly smiled as she ate her rice ball. "She said it was okay, so you don't have to mind." Takahiro told you, patting you on the back.

"But that would kill her.." "she's just a clone. Don't worry. She died long ago." He convinced you as he grabbed your hands. We have to start this tomorrow. It takes a long time, remember?" He asked before he smiled at you. "Don't attack yourself. None of us are the villain here." He whispered before he approached Rin and began to talk to her, a warm smile on his face.

He was right. He was right, but..

You took a breath and sighed, collecting yourself. "Get good rest tonight, guys. Our plan will begin tomorrow." You called out. This was all mandatory. She said it was okay, so it was okay. "Get yourself together." You snapped quietly at yourself.

You stood over the corpse of Rin, feeling numb. She seemed like she was going through so much pain throughout the process, and now she was near death. "Don't worry." She smiled weakly as she looked at you once more, and let out her last breath. Everybody else stared down at you two, their pure black cloaks hiding their faces.

"One down." You whispered, slowly looking up at everybody. "Eight more to go." You sniffed before picking Rin's body up to go bury her.

You placed a flower on her grave, smiling weakly. "Rest in peace, again." You softly chuckled. You had walked nearly thirty minutes away from the base to near a large pond of water, because she always said she had loved it there.

When you heard footsteps, you stood and turned to the behind you, which nearly gave you a heart attack. "Sasuke?" You breathed in disbelief. Standing up and blocking his view from the grave. He was wearing a vest, which definitely meant he was on a mission. "You killed him." He whispered, a tear escaping his eye before he fell to the ground in helplessness.

You stared at him, taken aback. Was he not here to fight?

You blinked, not believing your eyes. You slowly walked forward and leaned forward to touch his face, but your hand went through his face, and he blew off into crows. "Sasuke?.. no." You shook your head, turning and squinting your eyes. "Sasuke would kill me." You whispered as you sat there, and made a realization. "Itachi?" You blurted as you stood and looked around.

"You're sharper than I expected." A voice responded, followed by Itachi walking out of the shadows of the trees. You eyed the ground in front of him, a bitter expression on your face. "Itachi. I'm not even surprised at this point." You admitted, forcing yourself not to look at his eyes. He was an enemy.

"What are you doing here? Are you going to burn me with your tsukuyomi?" You joked, followed by a soft scoff. "I really wanted to at first." He bitterly admitted. "But no. I was sent here by Obito, and I learned why there were barely any deaths during the attack." He simply told you. "It isn't hard for somebody like me to find somebody like you." He added.

"So?" You asked, slowly lifting your gaze to his feet. "I know the truth, and Obito told me everything." He told you, slowly walking forward. "And I have come to talk to you to get you to confirm everything." "And Obito agreed to that?" You asked.


"Dammit, Obito." You grumbled before giving in. "Alright, fine. But it's going to be a long story." You warned him before sitting down besides the grave and continuing to decorate it with flowers. "You see, I come from a different universe, and this is how it went." You murmured, and began your explanation of everything.

"That's when Zetsu was sent back to the moon. I may sound crazy, but this is why I have to get Naruto and Sasuke to pull out their full strength. But you see, everything is so much more different in this place. Obito is on the good side, and the Uchiha are alive. Sasuke is.. well I guess he's struggling enough now because of his dad's death. But Naruto has parents. In order to do this, I have to kill his parents, but I just can't. Somehow Kushima is still alive even though her Kyubi was transferred to Naruto though. I don't even know how they transferred the kyubi."

Itachi sat next to you, silent. "I was told I could say anything to you. Kushima still has half the kyuubi left in her because it would have weakened her too much and there was a chance she would have died if everything was transferred. How it was done cannot be spoken of, but I know that it wasn't done in the village." He informed you.

"And what you spoke of, Danzo, would that be true in this world?" Itachi asked. You silently eyed him, meeting eyes with him. "Most likely. Uchiha's still face discrimination among the village, and they are looked down upon even after being so loyal to the village. Although the first plan was shut down, as you know, Shisui isn't here to stop their hatred anymore. We can either wait for their outburst or put them down for good before their leader figure gets replaced." You told him in complete honesty, and Itachi thought deeply. Killing his whole clan couldn't be the only way, right?

"Without hatred, Sasuke can't and won't grow. Killing won't be justified, or right, but it's to in another word keep everybody safe. We aren't the villain. Nobody thinks they are the villain in their own eyes." You murmured, standing. "You know more than me that the Uchiha won't last long under this pressure, Itachi." You told him. "It's best to free your mother from her current pain, and free them before they face the painful future."

He stared at you, seeming conflicted. "What is there to hesitate about? It's for the future generations, Itachi. We currently have the most luck in winning this." You told him, grabbing his arm tightly "It's to save your beloved village. You know too that the Uchiha are hateful people." You pushed, glaring at him.

He slowly nodded. "You may be right." He admitted, staring into the pond before he looked down at the grave. "I've heard my clan talking about the revolution again, and if they grow again there is no convincing them of otherwise." He agreed, thinking into everything. "If you do all that, you'll be required to leave your village, brother, kill your lover and mother's family, and be known as a murderer." You warned him.

"I'm prepared." He nodded, looking up.

In reality though, he wasn't sure. Not at all. He wasn't even sure if he agreed with you. His hands still shook with hatred when he saw you. It was so hard to think that you were as young as sixteen, and yet you were such a dangerous existence.

Would it not be easier to simply kill you?

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