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 Sasuke scoffed and glared over his shoulder. "Stop being so lovey dovey with her." Sasuke firmly spoke, speaking lowly so none of you couldn't hear the jealousy coating his voice, but both you caught the tone in his voice. You looked aside towards the anxious looking Takahiro and grinned playfully, amused. "Sure, Sasuke." You spoke in a teasingly voice, to which he pouted and continued on forward.

"Sasuke?" Takahiro whispered, looking at him. "Isn't he the Uchiha?" He asked, humming in thought. "Yup. He's quite the person. Strong and smart in combat, but quite uhh... quite competitive." You chuckled, scratching the back of your head. "He's really fun to be around though, and it's really honorable to be his friend." You added, smiling warmly to yourself. Most people you knew here always consoled you when you felt the worst.

Suddenly a hand, which was pale and recognizable, grasped at your leg and caused you to trip. You gasped in shock as you hit the ground and instantly rolled to your knees in a protective stance, a kunai in your hand as you let out a shaky breath. "H-hey, are you ok?" Takahiro stammered as he rushed forward and helped you up, eyeing the area you tripped over. Nothing was there.

"She looks pale. We should get her to rest as soon as possible." Sakura called, rushing forward and handing you a bottle of water. "Drink slowly." She adviced as you slowly took the bottle, your mind empty besides the realization. You had to leave. You choked on air and stared at the area you tripped. Zetsu was near and he was going to take you, whether you liked it or not, and that was a sign he was with you currently.

"Here, let me hold her." The brown haired boy spoke quietly as he began to pick you up and lifted you over his back. "I'll-" "Sasuke, you need to save up your energy. He's much bigger than you so he can preserve more energy." Kakashi cut Sasuke's objection off, eyeing you. You looked frightened and pale, almost as if you knew something was going to happen to you. Could it just be a panic attack?

He averted his eyes, deciding to keep his suspicions to himself. Obito trusted him, so it probably wouldn't hurt, but it also wouldn't hurt to keep up suspicion in case you were plotting something.

"I'm sorry." You whispered in a weak, shaky voice as you slowly began to recover from your shock state. "Don't worry. It happens sometimes." He responded calmly, holding your legs tightly so you didn't fall or slide off his back. "Sasuke." You called out as you shook lightly.

The pouty black haired boy turned and faced you, raising a brow to silently motion you to speak. "You- or anybody. Somebody HAS to stay up and guard tonight. Something feels off, and I don't like it." You whisper in a fragile tone. He nodded. "I'll tell the others." He nodded, walking over to Shuji and Mai to tell them first.

"We're being followed, right?" Takahiro guessed. You silently held your breath in surprise, so he took it as a yes and continued. "It's been awhile, and I'm surprised that the adult hasn't noticed, but it's been the whole time, and I'm guessing that's why you tripped and that's why you're cautious." He continued, seeming to hesitate.

"But judging by the whole situation, you know who's following and that's why you seem so scared. I may not be a good therapist because I'm as anxious as you, but you can talk to me if you need." He whispered, making sure nobody else could hear. You stared ahead, deep in thought. Maybe you should tell him so he can act.

You eventually nodded in agreement. "I promised somebody I'd leave my village to save my village, and he's here to take me soon." You whispered, mustering up the courage to speak. "I promised him I'd leave in two months exactly two months ago." You hesitantly finish, feeling the shock and heavy hesitation from him. "So.. he's here to take you during this mission.. right?" He assumed, to which you nodded.

Sasuke turned and eyed you both to see you two whispering to eachother and scrunched his face up at the boy. "Don't make such a face to him!" Naruto chuckled loudly as he caught up with Sasuke, amused. "Hmph.." Sasuke pouted before eyeing Naruto. "I feel like something is wrong." He eventually spoke, to which Naruto nodded silently in acknowledgement and agreement.

"I think we all feel like that, but we just aren't saying anyth- HEY IT'S THE HOTEL!" Naruto yelped, running ahead in excitement as he forgot to finish his original sentence. "Idiot- Naruto! Slow down!" Sasuke called, rushing forward to catch up to Naruto.

 (Happy 9K!! 

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