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Habirama silently nodded, also looking around for any sorts of people. He stopped as he suddenly turned left and jumped off, with you instantly following in curiosity, but made sure to stay silent. It had only been 8 minutes or so, did he see anybody already? He jumped down, landing in front of a group of two, who instantly seemed tense to see him. You jumped down and smiled warmly at the three. "I don't plan on fighting if there is no point, let's just show eachother our scrolls and see if we need to fight." You offered.

  They eyed eachother before falling into a fighting stance. "I bet you're just trying to trick us!" One of them accused you angrily.  "Wh-" you blinked, confused. "That seems fairly reasonable, but I'm not THAT unfair." You giggled before slowly eyeing Habirama. He held a kunai, glaring at the others. You ducked out of incstinct and to your surprise, somebody had jumped out of the bushes from behind you and tried to stab you in the neck. The murderous aura he gave off just alarmed you. You sucked in air and swiftly kicked the newcomers knees, causing them to fall.

Your eyes widened as you quickly kicked away from the newcomer, who had over half of his face wrapped in bandages and wore a cloak. It was a miracle you ducked just in time. If you didn't duck away, he would've killed you. You silently lifted your hands and made handsigns, glaring at him and quickly inhaling a large amount of air. You spat out bullet-like air, one of which pierced his arm, but he managed to dodge the other ones. As you turned, you saw Zetsu swing down a Kunai towards the other enemies head. Your eyes widened, and you instantly threw a kunai at him. Luckily, it hit his head. Unluckily, he fell back to his original Zetsu form. You gasped in shock and quickly jumped into the trees, making the summoning jutsu hand signs and slamming your hand onto the tree.

Then there was black Zetsu, his head poking out of the tree. He silently eyed you before looking down and realizing the situation. "Did you just kill me?" He asked, glaring at you. Although you couldn't really tell if he was actually glaring at you when he was a silhouette with a yellow dot for eyes. "Yeah, yeah. That's just your clone so don't worry. You need to deal with the corpse." You huff, pointing at him. "Mm.. I'll think about it, brat." He grumbled before disappearing into the tree.

You weren't sure whether to take that as a yes, but did. The girl out of the three stood over the body. "What the hell is this thing?" She demanded, eyes wide. "Why did his own teammate kill him?" The other asked, sounding emotionless. You quickly jumped down, standing over the corpse and narrowing your eyes as they quickly jumped back. One of the girls had showy clothes, so she probably didn't have the scroll. You sharply turned to the boy with the cloak and jumped forward, suspecting that he had it.

He scoffed at you and kicked you in the stomach so hard that you would expect your ribs to crack, but they didn't. You stumbled across the ground and felt as they came near you. Silently, you made handsigns and kicked up. It was risky, but you decided to use the ice release. Suddenly, ice blasted everywhere, cutting them as the ice hit their skin and opened a wound.

"What the hell is this!?" One of them gasped, flinching away as the ice sliced their cheek. The other two jumped out of the way, and you were almost certain that the girl who couldn't jump away was quite weak, but what could you expect? There was usually one member weak from every group if you were normal.
  You quickly jumped forward and grabbed her by her shirt and yanked her forward, deciding to check if she had the scroll just in case, because it wouldn't hurt to be sure or something. After you noted that she didn't have any sort of scroll, you quickly kicked her off to the side. "Sorry!" You called as you jumped after her teammates, who had selfishly left her.

FAQQQ AAAAA—— may be small spoilers pf read at your own risk

-where is the story going?
Uhh- author doesn't know, sorry. I think about my story as I go along and like- this story- I didn't think I'd get 1.9K so fast like my god thank you all for reading <3

-is Rin really dead?
Next question

-what's happening so far?
Some of my friends asked me this. Well, so far, you've lost your memory of your old home and only remember the old timeline of Naruto. You've unlocked a new kekkei genkai. You've promised that you'd side with Zetsu despite knowing you'd die doing that.

-Will Y/N end up with any character? Will there be fluff/smut/shipping that's uncano?

LOL tbh I wanted to make Kakashi and Obito together but some people ship Kakashi and Iruka or Kakashi and adult Naruto and other stuff so I didn't do anything or mess with any of the character relationships. I'll only do those stuff if y'all want it and ask for it.
For anybody ending up with Y/N, I already have this planned out at some point if it isn't obvious hahA-

-your school started, so how often will you update?

Mainly asked by my fellow Wattpad friends because I'm the most popular Wattpad writer out of my friend group and they just want to know how much I update without getting LOL-
I'll continue to try to update twice a week, and if not once a week. I've never had writers block so I usually don't have trouble updating speed but school.

S c h o o l

-will Y/N actually leave for Zetsu


-how do you get 1K reads?

Grammar, storyline, interesting desc, updating speed is all important. Nobody would want to read if your story doesn't make sense. Nobody would want to read if your storyline is everywhere, and it's kind of obvious that even the writer doesn't know what they're doing. If you have an interesting description of the story, people would WANT to read it. Most people want to read a story with a neat description. If you update once a year or like- you know, people who clean their library out would usually just remove it, and people would forget about it. Updating is important. It doesn't have to be every single minute. Please don't spam people with updates like I did when I updated my story everyday- my friends told me it was torture LOL. Just frequently enough hat people won't forget about your story is good enough.

But most importantly, t a G s .

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