Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung's POV

Today is my first day of attending JYP University. While I was walking inside the school someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder which made turn around and faced the person behind my back.

"Chaeyounggg! I miss you!", he hugged me as if we didn't see each other a few weeks ago

"Stop calling me Chaeyoung, I told you call me CHAE! C-H-A-E! What if someone m--"

"Oh come on, no one knows except me that y---", he was cutted off when the students suddenly ran to the entrance gate of our school

We looked at each other and asked a random student on what is happening.

"Excuse me, may we know why the other students were gathering there?", Lisa asked and pointed out the entrance gate

"Someone spread a rumor that some of the Twice member will be arriving in any minute"

"What's up with Twice?", Lisa asked curiously

"You didn't choose JYP University as your school without knowing anything right?", the student raised her brows and we shrugged our shoulders

"JYP University is the best school in the prefecture, also an ultra elite school for the wealthy. The classes are separated into A-F based on grades. The top ten within the A class, are known as the Twice. The members of Twice are highly respected and has its own building, a 19th-century styled greenhouse dubbed 'Twicelights'. Class attendance and schedule are optional for them. Some members of the Twice have been close friends and attending here since elementary school. They're also known because of their family social status here in South Korea", she explained and immediately run away when she saw luxury cars parked in front of the entrance gate of our school

We saw the body guards getting out of the cars and opened the door for their occupants. Then the students started shouting in excitement and took pictures.

The first who is getting out of the car was..

3rd Person's POV

"Park Jihyo, the oldest daughter of a famous music producer and a talented vocalist from IM Entertainment, she's also a trainee there having the potential to be a singer"

The second person came out laughing while looking at her cellphone and immediately hide it on her pocket then walked towards Jihyo..

"Im Nayeon, the daughter of the owner of IM Entertainment known for a lot of celebrities who successfully debuted in South Korea. She's also a trainee in their own company"

The third came out running cheerfully towards the two girls who almost stumbled and hugged them..

"Minatozaki Sana, the only daughter of the head of Minatozaki Medical Mftg. The MMM was recognised worldwide as one of the top 100 successful businesses"

The fourth came out while eating an avocado flavored ice cream..

"Hirai Momo, the youngest daughter of the owner of Hirai Airline, the popularity of their airline was due to its regular passengers who are high ranked officials from different countries"

And the last one who came out of the car was..

"Myoui Mina, the one and only heiress of Myoui Group which included as Top 5 of the best profitable businesses in South Korea"

Mina smiled in a natural way to everyone who's currently taking pictures of them and waved her hands to the four girls who's waiting for her.

Chae and Lisa just watched them as they enter the school while the other students was in commotion to grab the girls attentions.

Nayeon's POV

"Annyeonghaseyo~", Sana walked near the students and greeted them one by one

Luckily, one of them was hugged by Sana who seems to faint at any time and was fanned by the other students.

"M-Ms. Hirai please accept th---"

Momo just passed by the boy and made him look embarrassed.

"Th-this is a c-chocolate cake, I baked them last night for you"

Momo suddenly went back to the boy when she heard it was a food and accepted the cake.

"Oh, gamsahabnida~", she said and smiled

We immediately headed to our classroom to lessen the commotion of the students on us.

"Because I'm the prettiest amongst us.. I would like to apologize about earlier due to the commotion we had when we arrived at the entrance gate", I pouted and pretended it was stressing me out

"Why do I feel like I'm going to vomit because of what I just heard", Jihyo started acting

"Wtf, I suddenly lost my appetite to eat. Sana here, it's yours now", Momo gave the ice cream to Sana

"What's this? You're almost done eating it!", Sana gave back the ice cream and took the cake from Momo's desk then run away and now they are chasing each other

"It's really difficult to be pretty, even if you do nothing you'll always have a hater", I whined and heard a sound of helicopter like it was coming to us

We all looked out the window and literally saw a helicopter flying steadily in the air then a ladder made of rope was falling down with a person holding onto it.

"Dahyun, you never changed", Jihyo whispered and facepalmed

Yeah, I heard her even though there's a loud noise coming from the helicopter, after all she's a mic.

The helicopter left already when Dahyun landed safely on the quadrangle of our school. He was immediately surrounded by the students and had a difficulty to escape. The students gave way for the two when Momo suddenly shouted.

I turned around inside the classroom and saw my classmate eating a snack. I walked towards his direction and ask if I can have it but he was startled by the goddess in front of him. Hays.

"I'll take it as a yes, thank you~", I showed him my cute aegyo and go back to the window

"Wow, no one told us that there will be a shooting here in our school", I said and Jihyo took some of my snacks and eat

"Yeah, what a love birds", Jihyo agreed and we giggled but I stopped when someone suddenly stood beside me and whispered to my ears

"You can be my bonnie and I'll be your clyde", I pushed him out of shock but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him

Dahyun's POV

"Dasi hwan-yeong Dahyun!"

I heard a familiar voice and the students easily made a way for us to see each other. She walked towards my direction and it felt like we're in a slow motion which made my heartbeats fast. She punched me lightly on the left shoulder.

"O-Ouch, is that how much you missed me?", I chuckled but she looked at me in the eyes which made her teary

I opened my arms widely showing her that she can do whatever she wants then she took a step closer and hugged me tightly.

"I'm already here, don't be sad. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about my errands", I apologized sincerely and hugged her back

"Its not like the first time you've done it, I hate you", she muttered

"But you still love me, I miss you", I bragged and whispered

She pulled away from the hug which made me saw her face blushing but she acted like she didn't hear me and dragged me into our classroom.

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