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Jimin's POV


We were having our dinner when the maid suddenly handed Mom's phone ringing which made her answer the call.


"What? Help---"

She stared at us and turned on the speaker of her phone.

"P-Please s-she's leaving"

"I-I need to chased h-her in the a-airport before it's a-already too late!"


"Help m-me! I couldn't h-handle this a-anymore please.."

Our mom tried her best to calm him down when poohtah started to sob. We took a glanced at each other with the same thoughts running on our mind.

What's going on with him right now?

It's our first time to hear him panicked and cried. It's also our first time to hear him asked for help.

Poohtah is a very independent person who doesn't depend on anyone even on his worst days 'cause he knows himself very well of what he is capable of.


We suddenly heard a loud noise from the other line which made me screa on the mouthpiece.



I was about to say something on him but become speechless when we heard an unfamiliar voice.

"You'll never see her again 'cause you're going to die. Look at yourself, hahaha"

We took a glanced at each other confusedly.


It was the last word we heard from him which made us tried to contact him a several times but failed 'cause his were already out of coverage area.

We called Lisa to ask if he's with Chaeyoung but he told us that Chaeyoung left school earlier than him.

The morning has come we receive a call from Lisa telling us about Chaeyoung's been rush in the hospital due to car accident.

We immediately cancelled all of our plans and went to South Korea.

"Good evening, we need to began the blood transfusion",  the doctor informed us who just entered the emergency room

I told my family about going to Chaeyoung's condo unit while the doctors and nurses started the blood transfusion which made them took a glanced at me.

"Why?",  Jin asked

"Some of his friends were threatened and it isn't impossible for Poohtah's case. I ain't the only one who wants to know if it's only an accident or someone already plan for it to occurred, right?"

They stared at each other and end up agreeing with me. We fixed ourselves when the doctors were done and saw his friends entered the room.

"We have to take care of something important related to my son's incident. Is it okay if you're going to guard him until when we came back?",  Mom asked and his friends nodded

We immediately left and headed to Chaeyoung's condo unit.

At the condominium

The hallway was exposed in a mess with familiar stuffs upon our arrival in Chaeyoung's floor and we came closer which made us realize it was his personal belongings.

Jin immediately went down to ask why our brother's things were outside his unit and search for the owner of the condominium.

I notice a crumpled paper beside the door and pick it up. I opened and read what's written on it.

"Mom, Dad",  I murmured

"What is it?",  Mom turned around to face me and I handed the paper for them to read it

"It's Mina's letter",  I said

"He got fired from his part-time job? The owner of this condo forced him to leave even if I already order my secretary to fully pay in advance? And received threats? I hope it's all just a coincidence and if someone's behind his accident..",  Dad glared at us and took out his phone to dial his secretary's number

***end of flashback***

At JYP University

"Have a seat",  the School Director's gestured her hand for us to come in and sit

"It's been a while",  she smiled at us

"Let's cut to the chase 'cause we're to ask about my son, have you heard any news about him?",  Dad asked and the lady took a deep sighed

"Didn't he tell you anything?",  she asked back

"He keeps everything to himself",  Dad answered

"And he acquired it from you",  she blurted out

"I don't have time for this",  Dad furrowed his brows and the lady rolled her eyes at him

"A few months ago, I received a cheque with a letter attach on it telling that I can write any amount I've want to take in exchange of kicking him out of the school and the drawer's name isn't included. I rejected the offer and he asked me a favor not to tell it from anyone. The school was on its peak to be closing since when I rejected the offer and before the accident happened.. He approached me in the office and asked if I could find a cheap place for him and Mina without telling me his reason"

"Is that all?"


"We're going to leave now and thank you"

The lady nodded and we went to the police station. My family headed straight to the detectives office and I was left on the hallway when I saw a guy bursting in anger.

He turned around to leave but when I heard him murmured Chaeyoung's name which made me grab him on the arm.

"Do you know Chaeyoung?",  I asked

"Who are you? Would you mind to remove your hand?",  he asked back

"I'm Chaeyoung's older brother"

"He doesn't even have a family who's still alive so if you're going to lie, why don't you make it more realistic?",  he furrowed his brows

"But I am saying the truth",  I looked at him from head to toe which lead me to think deeply

"Wait",  I whispered and continued

"You're tall"

"And you looked like an ostrich"


"Excuse me?",  he pulled away his arm which made me let go

"Am I right? You're Jeongyeon?",  I tilted my hed

"Everyone knows who I am because my father owns the Yoo Financial Group"

"But Chaeyoung told us about you",  I pouted

"And I don't know who are you",  he suddenly pushed me which made my body guards to be alarmed but I gave them a signal that it's okay

I took out my phone and showed him a picture of my family with Chaeyoung which made him stared at me.

"I am Jimin",  I offered a handshake and he hesitantly accepted it

"I still don't trust you so don't be complacent",  he shrugged his shoulders

"Then you should go with me in the hospital to where's Chaeyoung confined when my parents were done taking care of something important from the detectives office"

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