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3rd Person's POV

"Where are you? Go to xxx! The passcode is xxx", Chae said and the person he was talking with ended the call

Chae left his classmates and took a cab then hurriedly went back to his condo unit. He saw his friend lying on the floor unconscious with bruises all over the body when he entered his unit.

"WTF?!!", he ran towards him and caressed the latter in the sofa

"Who did this to you?", Chae mumbled

He removed his friends accessories and bathed him with warm water then guarded him all night.

A few hours later, the latter woke up. He saw Chae staring at him and helped him to lean back in the sofa.

"Stay there", Chae commanded and went to the kitchen then go back with foods

"Here, eat first and tell me what happened"

The latter obeyed him and start telling what happened when he finish eating.


I headed straight to our company when I arrived in the airport. I was about to open the door of my step father's office but paused when I heard an argument inside. I peeped and saw my twin brother complaining.


"Defeat him using your intelligence"

"But he's always ahead of me! If he didn't come home I would be in the 10th place instead of him!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Bring him back to United Kingdom"

"I can't, he decided to stay here already"

"Then kill him!"

I remained silent and continued listening to their conversation.


"Kill him like what you did to his father"


"But dad! It's not like the first time to command your men to kill someone. Pleaseee~", my twin brother kneeled down and begged him

"Let's end this conversation, go back to your class", my step dad said and I saw my brother leaving and I quickly move but I slipped on the floor because of nervousness

They immediately opened the door when they heard a sudden noise and saw me sitting on the floor.

"Have you been here earlier?", dad asked worriedly

"I just arrived dad", I smiled awkwardly and he helped me to stand up

"Then let's have a lunch with your twin", he suggested and my brother forced a smile

I noticed dad was busy typing on his phone and we decided to go home when we finish eating.

The road we're passing was secluded but I didn't bother to ask. Maybe a lot of things have changed since I left for four years.

We ended up in an abandon building and get out of the car then I looked at dad confusedly.

"What are we doing here?", I asked and he looked back at me

"I know you heard everything", my twin brother smirked

"Huh? What are you saying?", I asked and pretended that I have no idea on what they were talking about

The driver suddenly grabbed me by the arms and I tried to remove it but he tighten his grip on my arm which made me punched him.

A group of men appeared and encircled me. I fought back but they beat my assed out until I lost consciousness and woke up with my hands tied. They hid me inside the abandon building while my brother continuously visits just to beat me.

Then I had a chance to escaped and get my cellphone from them, I needed to hide but I don't know where. I turned on my phone and saw your missed calls and immediately dialed your number.

***end of flashback***

The latter noticed his things were on the table.

"Did you touched them?", he asked and Chae shook his head

He took his pen and began dismantling it.

"Then why is it activated?"

"Huh?", Chae stared at him confusedly and the latter clicked somewhere on his pen

"Kill him, like what you did to his father"


"But dad! It's not like the first time to command your men to kill someone. Pleaseee~"

They gaped at each other in utter shock and didn't finished listening to it.


"I accidentally recorded their conversation? This is a voice recorder pen, I used to keep diaries and my biological father gave it to me as a gift when I graduated from primary education"

"What are you planning to do now?"

"I-I don't know"

"We shouldn't report it to the police", that made the latter glanced at Chae blankly

"When your biological father died four years ago you mentioned he's actually doing fine but the police authorities officially announced to the public that he committed suicide due to mental illness immediately and it was proven by your own hospital which was already in your step father's possession."

The boy started to cry out loud in pain and anger.

"Now that I've confirmed, it was all planned. I used to want to tell you about this but when I saw how you grieve for your father's death I didn't want to added it", Chae took a deep sighed and hugged his friend

"Sooner or later he'll find you right away, he's too powerful here in South Korea"

"T-Then w-what should I do?"


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