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Tzuyu's POV

"Aw, you're so cute!!"

I petted the squirrel and looked around the forest.

"I'm so lucky to find this place!! There's a lot of animals here, hihi~"

I brought the squirrel with me and went to the dinosaur that I saw earlier. I walked slowly to come closer and the dinosaur just watched me. I raised my hand and she rubbed her head on it.

"You're so big! But still cute for meeee!"

I couldn't control myself so I start hugging her then she licked me.

I suddenly felt like it was real, I slowly opened my eyes and saw my dog sitting on my chest while licking my face.

"Gucci!!", I immediately hugged her and her tail continued on wagging

I checked my cellphone and I was exactly on time to wake up.

"You're a good alarm clock Gucci!", I put her down carefully then I stood up on the bed to prepare myself before going to school

An hour later, done! See you later Gucci! I kissed her and locked the door.

It's walking distance from my condo unit. Dad opposed me first because I will not be able to jog every morning but ended doing nothing when Mom explained that it was also for my sake so I will not be lost anymore.

Upon my arrival, I passed a huge crowd in the quadrangle. I suddenly saw a girl carrying a cake who's simultaneously running and slipped in the hallway.

"Ouch, hahaha~"

Wow, she even managed to laugh on her current situation. Haha, Cute. I picked up the cake that she flipped and walked towards her direction which made her noticed my presence and made her stop from laughing.

"A-Are you o-okay?", I asked and kneeled down beside her to put the cake but she just stared at me

"B-Be careful n-next time", I patted her head and quickly left to go in the cafeteria

After eating and listening in the announcement I decided to go in my designated classroom and didn't realized that I'm already lost.

Wth! I ran and explore where the room was but I couldn't find it. I couldn't ask anyone because the class has already began.

Thankfully a boy who just came out of the restroom accompanied me. I knocked and opened the door then immediately bowed when I saw a man standing in front of the class.

"N-Neuj-eoseo j-joesonghabnida"

"It's fine but let's start with you. Please introduce yourself and tell us about your family background",  he said and I obeyed then faced everyone in the classroom

"A-Annyeonghaseyo! M-My name is Chou Tzuyu. My mom a-and dad w-works on a sports industry in China which i-influenced me t-to be a player. That's a-all, thank you"

"You may take a seat now"

I looked around and recognized a familiar guy sitting at the back next to the window pointing the empty seat in front of him.

Jihyo's POV

Right after Tzuyu's introduction, everyone start to gossip including us.

"I like his composure and perfect body figure!", Nayeon giggled

"You already moved on from Jeongyeon?", Momo teased her again but she just rolled her eyes

I also kept teasing her and suddenly noticed Sana who's quite staring at Tzuyu.

"Do you like him?", I whispered through her ears but she didn't pay attention so I quivered her in the arms

"Hey, Hey, are you okay?",  I asked and she was startled then looked at me

"H-Huh? D-did you say something??"

I shrugged my shoulders and addressed my attention to the class.

After a while, those students sitting in the back has not yet done with introducing.

"Hello, I am Lalisa Manoban. My family owns the Manoban Group, I was born in Thailand but studied in United Kingdom. I hope we can all be friends", he beamed and returned to his seat

"My name is Musuko Chae, my family? They're already dead and I have a part time job, uhmm~", he hummed and I saw Mina who almost raised her hand but Jeongyeon fully raised first

"Yes Mr. Yoo?", the teacher asked

"Having a part time job is not enough to fully support yourself in attending JYP University, right?", he said fiercely which made us gazed at him

He has a point though.


We turned our gaze at Chae when he answered shortly, what? That's it? Isn't he going to explain anything?

"And what do you want to convey Mr. Yoo Jeongyeon?", Nayeon interrupted the two which also made us to looked at her

"I know you want my attention but not now my bunny", he winked and turned back to Chae

"Yah, my 2yeon heart!", I acted like I'm going to fall from the chair and Nayeon glared at me

"How did you get into this school if you're not financially stable? Unless ---", we turned our looks at Jeongyeon back to Chae when he cutted him off

"Does it matter?", he asked back and paused for a moment

"I applied for the scholarship program supported by JYPU luckily I'm fully exempted on paying my tuition fee", he explained blankly which made us gaped in utter shock except Mina who's unaffected by the situation

"You're remarkable and quite astonishing", Jeongyeon smirked and didn't bother to asked anymore

Chae went back to his seat and again everyone start to muttered.

"I know him",  Dahyun whispered which made us took a glanced at him

"You know him?", Momo asked

"Nope, hahaha. I never met him but it's not my first time hearing his name. During my adventure mom called and told me that I should be friends with Musuko Chae"

"Does your mom knows him?", I asked

"I don't know", he answered and Nayeon was about to say something when Mina joined us


"I also asked her why, hahaha.", Dahyun said which made Mina raised her brows

"'He's exceptional when it comes to academic and non-academic. He will influenced you in a good way', that's what she said then I immediately ended the call"

Our conversation were interrupted when the teacher started to introduce himself and we decided to focus in the class.

"My name is Mr. Park Jin-young, starting from today and onwards I will be your room adviser. So if you need anything, don't be shy to approach me. Okay?"

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