27 Tzuyu's Advice

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Sana's POV

"What happened to all of you?",  Mina asked and we stared at the boys who just arrive in the classroom

"Nothing",  Chae answered

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, do I look like I'm kidding?"

"Are you okay?",  she asked worriedly and he nodded

"Dubu, what happened to all of you?",  Momo interrupted


"What is it?!",  Momo raised her eyebrows

"We were involved on a fight last night because of Jeongyeon",  Tzuyu answered bluntly which made the other girls glared at Jeongyeon

"What have you done?",  Nayeon asked with crossed arms

"None of your business",  he shrugged his shoulders

"Then let me add your bruises",  Nayeon muttered and hit him continuously on the shoulders but Jeongyeon whimpered in pain which made her suddenly stop

"It would have been okay if it's just you who had a fight but they got involved too",  Momo furrowed her brows

"The bruises in your body were visible and all of you looked like the bad guys in the school",  Jihyo scolded them

"Don't scold them anymore and let's just bring them in the clinic for their bruises to be treated",  Mina suggested and we agreed

We're on our way in the clinic but I was left behind when my phone ranged and saw the name of my boyfriend on the screen which made me immediately answered the call.

"Hello?",  I said on the other line

"Where are you?",  he asked

"At my school, why?"

"I'm also here, where are you to be specific?"

"Why? What are you doing here?"

"Is it a bad idea to visit my girlfriend 'cause I badly missed her, hehe~"

"Aw, so sweet~ I'm on my way to the clinic"

"Why? Are you sick?"

"No, I'm totally fine and I'll tell you what happened later when we meet. I'll wait for you there"

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you too",  I hang up the phone call

I was about to enter the clinic but someone suddenly hugged from behind which caught everyone's attention. I turned around to look if who was it and he kissed me on the neck without my permission which made me a little bit frustrated.

"Darling, I miss you!",  he giggled

I quickly moved away and dragged him inside to introduce him with my friends.

"This is my boyfriend Mark, they're my friends that I've been telling you before"

He bowed and offered a handshake to Momo but Dahyun suddenly blocked him and reached his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I am Dahyun and this is my girlfriend Momo",  he wrapped his arm around Momo's shoulder

"Hello, I'm Lisa. You're lucky to be Sana's boyfriend but I prefer my friend here to be her boyfriend, hehe~"

"Jihyo, I heard a lot about you"

"It's nice to finally meet Sana's boyfriend, I am Mina",  she forced a smile and Mark was about to hug her but Chae suddenly appeared between them


"Jeongyeon, little rooster you can hug her instead of Mina but be careful 'cause she's a deadly virus which could kill an animal like you",  he laughed out loud and pointed at Nayeon

"I already met him so there's no need for us to introduce myself",  she rolled her eyes

"Chou Tzuyu",  Tzuyu offered a handshake and my boyfriend gladly accepted it but they took a moment before he finally let go of Mark's hand

Or am I just imagining things?

"Don't you even dare to hurt her",  Tzuyu glared at him which made us startled and stared at himand Mark, on the other hand, just nodded and smiled at him

Did I heard him right? And did he really glared at him? Or it's just his usual stare at anyone?

"Woah!", Lisa gazed at him in astonishment

"That's my Tzu!", Jeongyeon punched him playfuy on the shoulder

I excused myself to go in the restroom and saw Tzuyu on the hallway who's leaning back against  the wall when I came out. I pretended like I didn't saw him but he suddenly grabbed me on the arm.

What's up with him?

"You should break up with him",  he looked at me fiercely which made me furrowed my brows because of what he told me to do


"You should break up with him"

"What are you saying??"

"Just do what I told you and break up with him"

I tried to ignore him and walked away from him but pause for a moment when I heard him say

"You deserve someone better and it's not him"

I screamed out of my lungs without facing him back because I felt my eyes become teary.


"I-I'm just concerned about you"

"Why don't you try to stalk him? And thank me later when you found out something about him"

I pretended like I didn't hear him and run away when my tears starts falling down to my face. Why are saying such things? Don't give me high hopes.

I'm trying my best here to avoid you because that's what you wanted from the beginning but why are you suddenly being like this?!

How can I easily moved on from you in just one snap?

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